
Salah Bouktif

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1. Ph. D. Thesis Supervision

·       Completed

1.     Supervisor of a Ph.D. student (Miss Marwa Daagi) in the  University of Mannouba, Tunisia subject: “Multi-criteria Web Services Selection: Balancing the Quality of Design and Quality of Service.” (Defended successfully in June 2022).

2.    Supervisor of a Ph. D. student (Miss Marwa Zayana) in the  University of Mannouba, Tunisia (RIADI Lab) subject: “Software Product Line construction Using Reverse Engineering of characteristic models built on software variants” ( Defended successfully in June 2022).

·       In Progress

1.     Supervisor of a Ph.D. student (Miss Medha Mohan Parambil) CIT, UAEU, “Artificial intelligence and security issues” in Progress

2.     Co-Supervisor of a Ph.D. student (Nuri Almarimi)  in ETS Montreal, Canada,  Subject: “Web service API recommendation using multi-objective evolutionary search)  in Progress.

2.     Master Thesis Supervision

·       Completed

1.     Supervisor Master Student Eman Saad Megdadi “Data-driven modeling of student performance in the time of distance learning” CIT, UAEU, Defended successfully in May, 2023

2.     Supervisor Master Student Safea Matar Al Senani “A Rigorous Covid-19 Infection Modeling in School Environment. CIT, UAEU, Defended successfully in November 2022

3.     Supervisor of a MSc. student (Miss Mahmouda Ayman), Subject “Requirements modeling languages for software product lines” Sultan Qaboos University Defended successfully in in 2018,

·       In Progress

1.     Supervisor Master Student Jiyana Nikhil “Combining Metaheuristics and Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control.” Defense in  Fall 2023, CIT UAEU

2.     Supervisor Master Student Aysha Manzoor “Selecting the appropriate mode of learning and tools based on course characteristics” Defense in  Fall 2023Fall 2023, CIT UAEU

3.     Supervisor Master Student Saeed AlShebli  “Detection of malicious permission request in Mobile applications” Defense in  Spring 2024, CIT UAEU

4.     Supervisor Master Student Mohamed Alshamsi “Artificial intelligence approach to predict top service demand in ministry of Interior.” Defense in Summer 2024, CIT UAEU