
Salah Bouktif

Welcome to My Page

   Honours or awards for Services

 q  Awarded the excellence service award for the IT college AY 2015-2016

 q  A recognition award is given by Zayed Higher Organization (ZHO) [click here]

 Member of Committees at the University Level

1.     Member of the university committee for the catering services to the IT College building 2013-2014.

2.     Member of the Committee of establishing Laboratory Testing Centre of the University AY 2017-2018


q  Committees and Event Served at the College Level

     Major events and committees chairing

From 2014-2016

1.     Co-Chair of the IT Marathon 2015

2.     Co-Chair of the IT Marathon 2016 

3.     Chair of the recruitment and retention committee 2015-2016

4.     Chair of the special needs competition in The IT Marathon 2016

5.     Co-Chair of the special needs competition in The IT Marathon 2015

6.     Chair of the IT Marathon publicity and outreach committee 2015


From 2016-2018

7.     Chair of the recruitment and retention committee 2016-2017, 2017-2018

8.     Chair of the special needs competition in The IT Marathon 2017, 2018


From 2018-2020

9.     Chair of the textbook committee 2018-2019

10.  Chair of the textbook committee 2019-2020

11.  Chair of the special needs’ competition in The IT Marathon 2019.


From 2020-2022

12.  Chair of the committee of developing MS in ML and DS Sp 2021-Fall 2021

13.  Chair of the textbook committee 2020-2022

From 2022-2023

  1. Chairing of the committee of Developing the Self-Study Report for the renewal of the MSc. in Software Engineering ACCREDITATION BY THE COMMISSION FOR ACADEMIC ACREDITATION (CAA) [here], Spring 2023- Fall 2023.

  2. Chair of fact finding committee at the college level

  3. Chair of the special needs competition in The IT Marathon 2023

  4. Chair of the textbook committee 2022-2023/2023-2024

    CIT committees’ membership

From 2014-2016

1.   Member of the Faculty Award Committee 2014-2015

2.   Member of the Faculty evaluation committee 2014-2015

3.   Member of the Textbook Committee 2014-2015

4.   Member of the Search Committee 2014-2015 & 2015-2016


From 2016-2018

5.   Member of the Student recruitment and retention committee 2017-2018.

6.   Member of the Search Committee 2017-2018

7.   Member of the organization committee of the CIT Open Day Spring 2016.

8.   Member of the Adhoc committee of cheating allegations, Sp2018

9.   Member of the Adhoc sub-committee of Best Senior Award Committee Sp/Fall 2017


From 2018-2020

10.Member of the curriculum committee 2018-2019 and 2019-2020

11.Member of task force to review criteria of faculty evaluation Sp2019.


From 2020-2022

12.Member of the department search committee 2022-2023

13.Member of the CIT college council 2020-2022

14.Member of the CIT advising board 2020-2022

15.Member of the curriculum committee 2020-2021

16.Member of research and graduate studies committee 2020-2022

17.Member of faculty evaluation Committee 2020-2021

18.Member of task force to develop Graduate studies guidelines and procedures in the CIT, Spring 2022

19.Member of taskforce for Best Senior Award Committee, Spring 2022

20.Member of task Force of review and update of CSBP219, Fall 2022

From 2022-2024

1.   Member of the department search committee 2023-2024

2.   Member of the curriculum committee 2022-2023

3.   Member of research and graduate studies committee 2022-2024

4.   Member of CSSE assessment Committee 2022-2024

5.   Member of task Force of review and update of CSBP219, 2022-2023

6.   Member of the adhoc committee of Master programs modification/restructuration Sp23-Summer23


q  I led the preparation and production of marketing material for the CIT advertising

Ø  Animation video, (the prepared video is the one used in the CIT current Web site)

Ø  Flyers (for all the programs including graduate program also used and visible in the CIT web site),

Ø  Posters (mainly for the IT marathon),

Ø  CIT landing page design

Ø  Other print publications.


q  Significant services with impact to the CIT and UAEU branding.

1.     The success of the IT Marathon 2015 was reported by many newspapers such as Al Bayan and Al Khaleej. As a chair of the IT Marathon, I was invited  with Dr. Youssef Al Hamadi  to Dubai TV in order to comment and celebrate the success of this National event.

Invited by the TV program on DUBAI TV  “Dubai hadha Assabah” (“دبي هدا الصباح”) on May 20th, 2015 for more than 25 min. [click here to see the video from min 47]

2.     Special needs competition has been awarded by being reported and discussed in the Abu Dhabi Quran Radio program “ALAM WA AMAL” by Mr. Mohamed Al Hosani).

The link to the audio sequence is not anymore on available on the CIT web site

2-     Participated as an active member in the IT marathon committee 2017 to promote the college (companies of marketing and media are invited to the IT Marathon event)

3-     Participated to the ADEC event in ADEC headquarter on October 2015 by a presentation about ITMarathon and the CIT activities.

4-     Participated in the preparation of a slide presentation on the CIT and the IT Marathon for the sake of promoting the CIT.