Department of Chemical &
Petroleum Engineering,
UAE University, Al-Ain, P. O.
Box 15551,
United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 3 713 5313
Office: F1-1048
B.Sc. Chemical
Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey
July 1983
Chemical Engineering Department, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
September 1986
Thesis: Separation of binary
liquid mixtures by parametric pumping
PhD. Chemical
Engineering and Gas Processing unit, University of Salford,
January 1998
Thesis: Static and dynamic
bifurcation behavior of the Industrial UNIPOL Process for
polyethylene production in bubbling fluidized bed reactors.
Publications (last updated 2013)
1. Nayef Ghasem,
Mohamed Al-Marzouqi, Nihmiya Abdul Rahim, Modeling of CO2
absorption in a membrane contactor considering solvent
evaporation, Separation and Purification Technology
110 (2013) 1–10.
2. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Nihmiya Abdul Rahim, Effect of polymer extrusion
temperature on Poly(vinylidene fluoride) hollow fiber
membranes; properties and performance used as gas-liquid
membrane contractor for CO2 absorption.
Separation and Purification Technology 99 (2012)
3. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Ali Duidar, Effect of PVDF concentration on the
morphology and performance of hollow fiber membrane
employed as gas-liquid membrane contactor for CO2
absorption. Separation and Purification Technology
98 (2012) 174–185.
4. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Liping Zhu. Preparation and properties of
polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes with o-xylene as
an additive used in membrane contactors for CO2
absorption. Separation and Purification Technology
92 (2012) 1–10.
5. Ibrehem
A. S., Hussain M. A., Ghasem N. M,
Decentralized Advanced Model Predictive Controller of
Fluidized-Bed for Polymerization Process. IJCCE, Vol.
31, No. 4, 2012.
6. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Ali Duaidar. Effect of quenching temperature on the
performance of poly (vinylidene fluoride) microporous
hollow fiber membranes fabricated via thermally induced
phase separation technique on the removal of CO2
from CO2 - gas mixture. International
Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5 (2011), pp.
1550-1558. (18-NOV-2011)
7. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi.
Effects of Shear Rate, Temperature, and Polymer
Composition on the Shear Stress of Polyethersulfone/1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Cast Solutions. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56,
8. Nayef
Ghasem. Effect of Temperature
and Catalyst Concentrations on the Thermal Properties of
Polyamide Adhesives at Low Operating Pressure,
Chemical Product and Process Modeling: (2010) Vol.
5: Iss. 1, Article 30. DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1508
9. Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Muftah Elnaas, Effect of Temperature, Composition, and
Shear Rate on Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Dimethylacetamide
Solution Viscosity, J. Chem.
Eng. Data 2009, 54, 3276–3280.
Nayef Ghasem,
Ang Wee Lee, Mohd Azlan Hussain, Dynamics and stability
of ethylene polymerization in multizone circulating
reactors, Korean J. Chem. Eng.,
2009, 26(3), 603-611.
Ibrehem A. S., Hussain M. A., Ghasem
N. M, Modified mathematical model for gas phase
olefin polymerization in fluidized-bed catalytic
reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009 149,
Ibrehem A. S., Hussain M. A., Ghasem
N. M, Mathematical Model and Advanced Control for
Gas-Phase Olefin Polymerization in Fluidized-Bed
Catalytic Reactors, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., (Vol.
16, No. 1), February 2008.
Ghasem N. M.,
Wee L. A., Hussain M. A, Dynamic Model for Polyethylene
Production in a Multizone Circulating Reactor. Chemical
Product and Process Modeling, Volume 3, Issue 1 2008
Ibrehem A. S., Hussain M. A., Ghasem
N. M, Dynamic analysis and system identification of
polyethylene process,
Journal of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering,
3: 33-44, 2008.
Ghasem N. M.,
Sata S. A., Hussain, M. A. Temperature control of a
bench scale batch polymerization reactor for polystyrene
production. Chem. Eng. Technol., 2007, 30, 1193.
Ghasem N. M.,
Heidarian J., Wan Daud W. M. A. Effect of reaction
temperature on conversion and the thermal Properties of
polyamides hot-melt adhesives.
Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng.
2007; 2: 599–608.
17. Ghasem
N. M., Design of a fuzzy logic
controller for regulating the temperature in industrial
polyethylene flujidized bed reactor, Trans IChemE,
Part A, Chemical Engineering Research and Design,
84(A2):1-10, 2006
Heidarian J., Ghasem, N. M., Wan
Daud W. M. A.., The optimum temperature profile for
non-catalytic reaction to produce polyamide hot melts
adhesives, Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Volume 99, Issue 4: 2006, pp: 1817-1822
Ghasem N. M.,
Hussain M. A., Sata S. A, Application of model
predictive control to batch polymerization reactor,
Journal of faculty of science, Universitas
scientiarum, Bogota, Colombia, No. 1, Vol. 11, 2006.pp.
Ghasem N. M.,
Bifurcation Analysis of Fluidized bed
polyethylene reactor with internal cooler, Chem .Eng.
Volume 28, Issue 8
915 – 922,
Heidarian J., Ghasem N. M., Ashri
W. M., Kinetics of polymerization of dimmer fatty acids
with ethylenediamine after 90% conversion, Macromol.
Chem. Phys. 2005, 206, pp. 658-663.
Ang W. L.,
Ghasem, N. M.,
Hussain, M.A.,
Utilization of mathematical Software packages in
chemical engineering research,"
AJChE Vol. 5, No. 2,
2005. pp.125-130
Ghasem N. M.,
Hussain M. A., Simulation,
optimization and parametric studies of solid catalyzed
gas phase ethylene polymerization fluidized bed reactor,
Journal of chemical Engineering of Japan,
Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 171-175, 2005
Heidarian J., Ghasem N. M., Ashri
W. M., Kinetics of polymerization of dimmer fatty acids
with ethylenediamine, Journal of Applied Polymer
Science. Vol. 92, No. 4, 2004, pp. 2504-2513
Heidarian J.,
N. M.,
Ashri W. M.,
Study on kinetics of polymerization of dimmer fatty
acids with ethylenediamine in the presence of catalyst,
Chemical Engineering Journal,
100 (2004) 85-93.
Heidarian J.,
N. M.,
W. M., Effect of temperature and mixing rate on foaming
in polymerization reaction to produce fatty polyamides
in presence of catalyst. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
(2004),43, 6048-6054
Ghasem N. M.,
M. A. Hussain, Stabilization of the
dynamic behavior of a UNIPOL process for polyethylene
production. Dev. Chem. Eng. Mineral Process.
12(1/2) pp. 1-18. (2004).
Ghasem N. M.,
Al-Masry W. A., Al-Mubaddel F. S., Al-Zeghayer Y.S., The
effect of design parameters on industrial UNIPOL
polyethylene fluidized bed polymerization process, J.
Saudi Chem. Soc.; Vol. 8, No. 1; (2004) pp. 97-104
Ghasem N. M.,
Hussain M. A., Avoiding instability
under PID control of polyethylene fluidized bed reactor
(UNIPOL Process), Asean J. of Chem. Eng., 3(1), 26-33,
Ghasem N. M,
Hussain M. A., Mujtaba I. M., The use of SIMULINK block
diagram to solve mathematical models and control
equations, Journal of faculty of science, Universitas
Scientiarum, Colombia, Vol. 8, No. 2. (2003). pp. 43-
Ghasem N. M.
Combined mode of operation for thermal
parametric pumping, Journal of Chemical Technology
and Biotechnology,
Volume 78, Issue 6, 2003.
pp 666-669
Ghasem N. M.,
Chaotic behavior of Industrial
fluidized bed reactors for polyethylene production.
Chem. Eng. and Technol. 24(2001) 3 pp.
Ghasem N. M.,
Effect of Polymer Growth Rate and
Diffusion Resistance on the Behavior of Industrial
Polyethylene Fluidized Bed Reactor. Chem. Eng.
and Technol. 24(2001) 10, pp. 1049-1057
Ghasem N. M.,
Dynamic Behavior of the Industrial
Gas Phase Fluidized Bed Polyethylene Reactors under PI
control, Chem .Eng. Technol. 23(2000) 2 pp.
Ghasem N. M.,
Effect of polymer particle size and
inlet feed temperature on fluidized bed polyethylene
reactors, Chem Eng. Technol. 22(1999) 9,
Elnashaie S.S.E.H, Ghasem, N.
M, Hughes R., Static and dynamic bifurcation
characteristics of industrial fluidized bed polyethylene
(UNIPOL process) and their implications on polyethylene
production rate, Fractal and Chaos in Chemical
Engineering, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd,
1997, pp. 530-541
Elnashaie S.S.E, Al-Fariss T., AbdelRazik
F. A., Ghasem N. M., "Investigation of
acidulation and coating of Saudi phosphate rocks. 2.
Continuous process", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1995,
34, 4122-4126.
Al-Fariss, T. F and Ghasem, N. M.,
Prediction of Phosphoric acid viscosity, J Science
International, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1993.
Al-Fariss, T.F; Abdul Razik S.M.,
Ghasem N. M., Abdelaleem F.A. Elnashaie S.S.E.H,
Computer program for the mass and heat balance
calculations for the wet process phosphoric acid
(hemi-hydrate) and its application to Saudi phosphate
rock, Fertilizer Research, Nutrient Cycling in
Agroecosystems, 35: 169-175, 1993.
Al-Fariss, T.F, L.K. Jang, H.O. Ozbelge,
Ghasem N. M., A new correlation for the viscosity
of waxy oils, Journal of Petroleum Science and
Engineering., 9(1993) 139-144.
Al-Fariss, T. F., Ozbelge H.O., Elnashaie
S.S.E.H., AbdulRazik S.M., Abd-Eleem F.A., Ghasem N.
M., " Preliminary investigation for the production
of wet-process phosphoric acid from Saudi phosphate
ores", Fertilizer Research 28: 201-212, 1991.
Ghasem N. M.,
Orbey H., Effect of feed
concentration in Equilibrium Parametric Pump,
Separation Science and Technology. 22(12),
pp.2339-2351, 1987
Conferences Papers
Nayef Ghasem,
Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Modeling and simulation for the removal of pollutant
gases from natural gas using membrane contactors.
Advance in fluid mechanics & heat & mass transfer. WSEAS
International Conferences Istanbul, Turkey, August
21-23, 2012. Page 147-152
Latifa Al Nuaimi,
Nayef Ghasem, Mohamed Al.Marzouqi, fabrication of
polymeric hollow fiber membrane for the production of
safe drinking water. The 2011 International Conference
on Water, Energy and Environment, 14 -17 November, 2011,
Sharjah, UAE.
Raha Al-Marzouqi Nayef
Ghasem, Mohamed H. Al-Marzouqi, A. Duaidar. Removal
of CO2 from gas mixture using hollow fiber
membrane contactors fabricated from PVDF/Triacetin/Glycerol
cast solution. Advances in control and chemical
engineering conference. European Conference of Chemical
Engineering, November 30- December 2, 2010. Tenerife,
Nayef Ghasem,
Mohamed Al-Marzouqi, Use of gPROMs in solving chemical
engineering problems.
Proceedings of ICERI2009
Conference. 16th-18th Nov 2009, Madrid, Spain.
Nayef Ghasem,
Mohamed H. Al-Marzouqi, Muftah H. El-Naas, Simulation of
CO2 Capture from Flue Gases in Hollow Fiber
Membrane, The Tenth Annual U.A.E. University Research
Conference, 13-16th April, 2009
Nayef Ghasem,
Mohamed H. Al-Marzouqi, Muftah H. El-Naas. Synthesis of
various polymeric adhesives using fatty acid and
diamines, The Tenth Annual U.A.E. University Research
Conference, 13-16th April, 2009.
Nayef Ghasem,
Synthesis of various polymeric adhesives using fatty
acid and diamines under vacuum operating pressures, The
Tenth Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference,
13-16th April, 2009.
Nayef M. Ghasem,
Ang Wee Lee, M. A.
Hussain , Effect of operating conditions on the
stability of the multizone circulating reactor used for
olefin polymerization, proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and
Applied Optimization Sharjah, UAE, January 20-22 2009
Nayef M. Ghasem,
Ang Wee Lee, M. A.
Hussain, Temperature instability in circulating
fluidized bed reactor for ethylene polymerization,
International conference on modeling, simulation and
applied optimization (ICMSAO 2007), March 25 - 27, 2007,
Abu-Dhabi, UAE
N. M. Ghasem,
S.A. Sata, M. A. Hussain,
Simulation and online verification of batch
polymerization reactor for polystyrene production.
International conference on modeling, simulation
and applied optimization (ICMSAO 2007), March 25 - 27,
2007, Abu-Dhabi, UAE
Ahmmed S.
Ibrehem, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Nayef Ghasem,
Mathematical model and control for gas-phase olefin
polymerization in fluidized-bed catalytic reactor, 17th
European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
– ESCAPE 17, May, 2007.
Ahmmed S.
Ibrehem, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Nayef Ghasem
Advanced control for gas phase olefin plymerization in
fluidized-bed catalytic reactors,. Process System
Engineering Asia (PSE ASIA 2007), Xi'an, China, 15-18
Aug 2007, pp. 23:
Ahmmed S.
Ibrehem, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Nayef M. Ghasem,
(2007), Dynamic analysis and system identification of
polyethylenen process, Book of Abstracts for 21st
Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers,UPM, Malaysia
12-14 Dec 2007, p31
Ahmmed S.
Ibrehem, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Nayef M. Ghasem,
Advanced control for gas phase olefin polymerization in
fluidized-bed catalytic reactors using DMC method,
14th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Book of
abstracts, Yogjakarta, Indonesia, 1, pp-46,: 4-5th
Dec 2007, p23
Return back
Published Books
Nayef Ghasem,
"Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering,
CRC press, 25 August 2011.
CRC Press website
2. Nayef Ghasem, Redhouane Henda "Principles of Chemical
Engineering Processes",
CRC Press, September, 2008.
CRC Press
3. Nayef Mohamed Ghasem &
Ezzat Chan Abdullah, "Simulations of Unit Operations with
UM press, 2006, ISBN:
UM press
Return to top

Book Chapters:
Nayef Ghasem, Mohamed Al-Marzouqi,
Modeling, simulation and experimental
verification of gas-liquid membrane contactors for Carbon
dioxide absorption,
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third
Edition, July,2014
Student Theses Supervised
Ph.D. Theses
1. Javad
Hederian: Studies on the kinetics of polymerization of
polyamide hot melt adhesives, University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, August, 2005.
2. Suhairi AbdulSata: Advanced and online
control of batch polymerization reactor, University of
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October, 2006.
M.Sc. (Eng.) Theses
1. Ang
Wee Lee: Modeling simulation and control of a multi zone
circulating reactor for polyethylene production. March 2007.
University Malaya, Malaysia.
Mohamed Al-Rashed,
Removal of CO2 from flue gases. 2008. UAE
University, UAE
3. Latifa
Obeid Hamad Al-Nuaimi: Fabrication of polymeric hollow fiber
membrane for the production of safe drinking water. January,
2011. UAE University, UAE.