1. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Global Electronic Business Research: Contemporary Issues, Implications and Future Trends. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing (pp. 374).
Hard Cover (ISBN: 1-59140-642-0)
2. Al-Qirim, N. (2004). E-Business in small to medium-sized enterprises: Frameworks, issues, and implications. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing (pp. 388).
Hard Cover (ISBN: 1-59140-146-1)
3. Brian Corbitt & Al-Qirim, N. (2004). E-Business, eGovernment & Small and Medium‑Sized Enterprises: Opportunities and Challenges. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing (pp. 350).
Hard Cover (ISBN: 1-59140-202-6)
1. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). Research Trilogy into eCommerce Adoption in Small Businesses in New Zealand: A Concluding Focus Group Approach. Electronic Markets, 17(4), 263-285.
2. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). E-Commerce Adoption in Small Businesses: Cases from New Zealand. Journal of IT Case and Application Research, 9(2), 28-58.
3. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). A Framework for Information Technology Success in HealthCare Organizations: The Case of Championing Telemedicine Adoption in New Zealand. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(1), January, 42-54.
4. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). Realizing telemedicine advantages at the national level: cases from the United Arab Emirates. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, October, 59-69.
5. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). The adoption and diffusion of e-commerce in developing countries: The case of an NGO in Jordan. Information Technology for Development, 13(2). 107-131.
6. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). The Adoption of eCommerce Communications and Applications Technologies in Small Businesses in New Zealand. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal, 6, 462–473.
7. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). An Empirical Investigation of a Usage Model of E-Commerce Technologies in Small Businesses in New Zealand: Theory Extension and Implications. International Journal of Electronic Business, 5(1) (Jan-Feb), 42-64.
8. Sarkar, N., Byrne, C. & Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Gigabit Ethernet Implementation: The Case of a Large New Zealand Organisation. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 2(4), October-December, 59-77.
9. Al-Qirim (2006). The Adoption and Usage of Mobile and Wireless Technologies in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Meta model. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development Journal, 3(2), April, 123-136.
10. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). The Case of Tele-Psychiatry Adoption and Diffusion in a Healthcare Organization in New Zealand. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 8(1), 31-48.
11. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). A policy framework for eCommerce success in small businesses in New Zealand. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 4(2), 293-313.
12. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Personas of eCommerce adoption in SMEs in New Zealand, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 4(3), 18-45.
13. Al-Qirim, N. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of an E-Commerce Adoption-Capability Model in Small Businesses in New Zealand. Electronic Markets, 15(4), 418 - 437.
14. Al-Qirim, N. (2005). Critical Success Factors for Strategic Telemedicine Planning in New Zealand. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 11(5), 600-607.
15. Al-Qirim, N. (2004). The strategic planning of health information systems in New Zealand: A telemedicine perspective, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 6(2), 189-209.
16. Al-Qirim (Summer, 2003). Teledermatology: The Case of adoption and diffusion of telemedicine Health Waikato in New Zealand. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 9(2), 167-178.
17. Al-Qirim (2003). The strategic outsourcing decision of IT and eCommerce: The case of small businesses in New Zealand. Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications, 5(3), 32-56.
18. Al-Qirim, N. (2003). E-Commerce in the aerial mapping industry: A New Zealand case study. Journal of Systems & Information Technology, 7(1), 67-92.
· Sarkar, N. & Al-Qirim, N. A Rapid Risk-Management Framework for E-commerce Companies
· Sarkar, N. & Al-Qirim, N. ISP profiling and selection for a polytechnic institution in New Zealand
· Electronic government initiative of the UAE: cases and implications
· Electronic governance: concepts, issues and implications
· Electronic learning effectiveness in the classroom: A pedagogical perspective
Full research papers in Refereed Conferences & Proceedings
1. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). An Empirical Investigation of a Framework for Mobile Commerce Adoption and Usage in Small Businesses in New Zealand. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies, 9-12 of July 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, 71-78.
2. (Session co-chair as well) Al-Qirim, N. (2006). The Adoption of eCommerce Communications and Applications Technologies in Small Businesses in New Zealand. In IEEE EXPLORE and in the Proceedings of the 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-2006) (Computer Systems and Applications, 2006. IEEE International Conference). March 8-11, 2006, Dubai/Sharjah, UAE, 894-897.
3. (Session co-chair as well) Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Telemedicine Adoption and diffusion: The case of the United Arab Emirates. In the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on e-Business (ICE-B 2006) and Telecommunications - part of ICETE. In cooperation with SIGMIS and Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Systems, Setúbal, Portugal, 7-10 August 2006, 191-199. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?isnumber=33913&arnumber=1618459&count=182&index=134
4. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Mobile Commerce Technologies Penetration in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in New Zealand. In IEEE EXPLORE (ISBN: 1-4244-0674-9) and in the proceedings of the 2006 International Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2006), Dubai, UAE, November 19-21, 1-11. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4085450
5. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Realizing Telemedicine Advantages at the National Level: Cases from the United Arab Emirates. In the proceedings of the 6th Annual UAE University Research Conference, April 22-24, Al-Ain, UAE, 88-97.
6. (Track Chair as well) Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Embracing mobile innovations and establishing excellence in mobile services. In the 2nd Annual TLS Middle East Congress 2006, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dubai, November 6-7.
7. (Track Chair as well) Al-Qirim (2005). The impact of the entrepreneurial characteristics of the CEO on eCommerce adoption in SMEs in New Zealand, In the proceedings of the 2005 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, San Diego, USA, May 15-18, 72-79.
8. Sarkar, N. & Al-Qirim, N. (2005). The Battle for an ISP: The Case of a Polytechnic Institution in New Zealand, In the proceedings of the 2005 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, San Diego, USA, May 15-18, 691-693.
9. Al-Qirim (2005). The adoption and diffusion of telemedicine: The case of healthcare organizations in the UAE (Oral presentation). In the proceedings of the 6th Annual UAE University Research Conference, April 24-26, Al-Ain, UAE.
10. Sarkar, N., Byrne, C. & Al-Qirim, N. (2005). Upgrading to Gigabit Ethernet: The Case of a Large New Zealand Organisation. In the proceedings of the 2005 International Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2005), Dubai, UAE, September 26-28, 1-11.
11. Sarkar, N. & Al-Qirim, N. (2005). Teaching TCP/IP Networking Using Hands-on Laboratory Experience. In the proceedings of the 2005 International Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2005), Dubai, UAE, September 26-28, 1-9.
12. (Session Chair as well) Al-Qirim, N., Al-Haj Ali, E. & Sarkar, N. (2005). Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Mobile Commerce: Issues, Implications and Future Trends. In the proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Globalization, Technology and Sustainable Development. Organized by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) (The Third International Conference) and College of Business and Economics (CBE) (The Sixth Annual Conference), 21-23 November, Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 243-250.
13. Al-Qirim, N. (2005). The adoption and usage of mobile and wireless technologies in small to medium-sized enterprises in New Zealand: A Meta model. In the 2005 3rd International Conference on Globalization, Technology and Sustainable Development. Organized by the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), 21-23 November, Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 251-262.
14. (Track Chair as well) Al-Qirim (2004). Factors influencing electronic commerce adoption in small businesses in New Zealand: A focus group approach. In the proceedings of the 2004 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, New Orleans, USA, May 23-26, 888-891.
15. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2004). Determinants of electronic commerce usage in small businesses in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 2004 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), (Leino T, Saarinen T, Klein S eds.), Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku, Finland, June 14-16, 2004, 1-11.
16. Al-Qirim (2004). Trusting E-Commerce and its adoption success in small businesses in New Zealand: Misconceptions and benefit realization. In the proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG 8.4 Conference, Salzburg, Austria, June 18-19 2004, 213-231.
17. Al-Qirim (2004). Strategic eHealth planning in healthcare organizations in New Zealand: A telemedicine perspective. In the proceedings of 17th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference, eGlobal, Bled, Slovenia, June 21-23, 2004.
18. Schubert, P., Al-Qirim, N., Sigrist, B. & Corbitt, B. (2004). The eBusiness Navigator: Implementing A Classification. Scheme For The eDomain. In the proceedings of 17th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference, eGlobal, Bled, Slovenia, June 21-23, 2004.
19. Al-Qirim (2004). The King and eGovernment empowerment in developing countries: A formula for eCommerce success at a not-for-profit organization in Jordan. In the proceedings of The 2004 International Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2004), Dubai, UAE, October 4-6, 2004, 396-405.
20. Al-Qirim (2004). Telemedicine in psychiatry in New Zealand: Antecedents and post-adoption factors. In the proceedings of The 2004 International Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2004), Dubai, UAE, October 4-6, 2004, 170-179.
21. Al-Qirim (2004). A Global Agenda for Integrated Telemedicine Network: A New Zealand Perspective. Oral presentation. In the proceedings of 4th GCC Medical Education Conference, Al Ain, UAE, November 28-30, p.62.
22. (Track Chair as well) Al-Qirim (2003). Implication in eCommerce research in small business. In the proceedings of the 2003 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 18-21, 5-9.
23. Al-Qirim, N. (2003). Critical factors for mobile business success. In the proceedings of the 2003 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 18-21, 10-13.
24. Al-Qirim (2003). The innovation theories in retrospect: The case of electronic commerce adoption in small business in New Zealand. In the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) joint WG 8.2+9.4 Conference, Athens, June 15-17, 2003. In Korpela, M., Montealegre, R. & Poulymenakou, A. (2003) (Eds.) Organizational information systems in the context of globalization (117-137). Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwar Academia Publishers.
25. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2003). The eCommerce strategy of New Zealand: Policy implication for small business. In the proceedings of the 16th Bled electronic commerce Conference, eTransformation, Bled, Slovania, June 9-11, 2003, 131-146.
26. Al-Qirim (2003). Teledermatology: The case of telemedicine adoption and success in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 16th Bled electronic commerce Conference, eTransformation, Bled, Slovania, June 9-11, 2003, 501-512.
27. (Session Chair as well) Al-Qirim (2003). Championing telemedicine in New Zealand: The case of utilizing video conferencing in psychiatry and dermatology. In the proceedings of the 9th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa, Florida, US, August 4-6, 2003, 851-859
28. Al Haj Ali, E. & Al-Qirim, N. (2003). Mobile commerce integration across the supply chain in businesses in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 9th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa, Florida, US, August 4-6.
29. Al-Qirim (2003). Hard case approach in exploring eCommerce research in small businesses. International Symposium Research Methods (ISRM) (Pre AMCIS), August 3, 2003, Tampa, Florida, US.
30. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2002). Critical factors for electronic commerce success in small business: A Meta study. In the proceedings of the 2002 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, Seattle, Washington, 798-802.
31. Al-Qirim, N. (2002). A Meta model of innovation adoption in small business: An electronic commerce perspective. In the proceedings of the 2002 Information Resources Management Association International (IRMA) Conference, Seattle, Washington, 1177-1181.
32. Al-Qirim, N. & Hanoku, B. (2002). IT and eCommerce outsourcing in small to medium-sized enterprises in New Zealand: An exploratory research. In the proceedings of the fifteenth Bled electronic commerce Conference (Reality: Constructing the economy), Bled, Slovenia, June 17-19, 537-551.
33. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2002) An Empirical Investigation of an eCommerce Adoption Model in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2002) organized by: Japan Society for Management Information (JASMIN), Tokyo,Japan, 343-362.
34. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2001) Determinants of Innovation Adoption in Small to Medium Enterprises in New Zealand: An Electronic Commerce Capability Model. In the proceedings of the 6th Annual CollECTeR Conference on Electronic Commerce, CollECTeR '01, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, 142-156.
35. Al-Qirim, N. (2000). Telemedicine in psychiatry: The case of video conferencing adoption by NZCARE in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 7th annual New Zealand Engineering and technology postgraduate conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 23-24 November, 431-436.
36. Al-Qirim, N. (2000)[1]. The adoption and diffusion of electronic commerce: The case of a small to medium sized enterprise in New Zealand. In the proceedings of the 7th annual New Zealand Engineering and technology postgraduate conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 23-24 November, 93-100.
1. Al-Qirim, N. (2007). Personas of eCommerce adoption in SMEs in New Zealand. In Becker, A. (eds.: four-volume reference collection). Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1491-1516. Hershey, New York: IGI Global.
2. Sarkar, N., Byrne, C. & Al-Qirim, N. (2007). Gigabit Ethernet Implementation. The Case of a Large New Zealand Organization. In Tan, F. (eds.: six-volume reference collection). Global Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2294-2307. Hershey, New York: IGI Global.
3. Al-Qirim, N. (2006). Electronic business research in small businesses: A global perspective. In Al-Qirim, N. (eds.). Global electronic business research in small to medium-sized enterprises: Contemporary issues, implications and future trends, 1-13. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing.
4. Al-Qirim, N. (2005). Telemedicine: Building knowledge-based telehealth capability in New Zealand. In Wickramasinghe, N., Gupta, J. & Sharma, S. (eds.). Creating knowledge-based healthcare organizations, 193-206. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing.
5. Al-Qirim, N. (2005). The Adoption and Usage of Mobile and Wireless Technologies in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in New Zealand: A Meta model. In Allam Ahmad (eds.). World sustainable development outlook 2005: Global competitiveness: A common goal in digital society, 285-300. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
6. Al-Qirim, N. (2004). A framework for electronic commerce research in small to medium-sized enterprises. In Al-Qirim (Eds.). Electronic commerce in small to medium-sized enterprises: Frameworks, issues and implications, 1-16. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing.
7. Al-Qirim, N. (2004): The application of innovative mobile commerce technologies in the business environment. In Singh, M. & Waddell, D. (Eds.). E-Business innovation and change management, 170-190. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing
8. Al-Qirim, N. & Corbitt, B. (2004). The government and eGovernance: A policy perspective on small businesses in New Zealand. In Corbitt, B. & Al-Qirim, N. (Eds.). E-Business, eGovernment & Small and Medium‑Sized Enterprises: Opportunities and Challenges, 1-18. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing.
9. Al-Qirim, N. (2003). The Ten Commandments for global electronic commerce success in small business. In Kamel, S. (Eds.), Managing globally with information technology (154-176). Hershey, London: IRM Press.
10. Al-Qirim, N. (2003). The innovation theories in retrospect: The case of electronic commerce adoption in small business in New Zealand. In Korpela, M., Montealegre, R. & Poulymenakou, A. (2003) (Eds.) Organisational information systems in the context of globalisation (117-137). Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwar Academia Publishers.
11. Al-Qirim, N. (2002). Enabling electronic medicine in New Zealand: The case of video conferencing adoption in KiwiCare. In Tan, F. (Eds.), Cases on global IT applications and management, 186-203. Hershey, London: Idea Group Publishing.
Encyclopedia articles
Al-Qirim, N.: SMEs Amidst Global Technological Changes. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2519-2522. Idea Group Publishing.
Al-Qirim, N.: Telemedicine in Healthcare Organizations. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2784-2787. Idea Group Publishing.
Panels and workshops
1. Panels
E-Health – a global phenomenon in healthcare. Members: Nabeel Al-Qirim, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Doug Vogel, and J. Felix Hamper. In Bled, 2004.
Comparing the different ERP systems available in terms of cost, benefit, and applicability to your organization. Panellists: Nabeel Al-Qirim College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, UAE; Mohammed Hanif Chief Operating Officer, Dynea, Pakistan; Dr. V. V. Rao Group Head Information Technology, Suzlon Group of Companies, India. In the 2nd Annual TLS Middle East Congress 2006, "Embracing Innovations and Establishing Excellence in Supply Chain Management", Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dubai, November 6-7.
2. Workshops:
Al-Qirim (2004). Telemedicine: Introduction, empowerment and Benefit Realisation: A UAE Perspective. 4th GCC Medical Education Conference, Al Ain, UAE, November 28-30.
E-Business Web site evaluation: What professionals and customers are looking for in a web site? University Technical Exhibition (UTex), UAEU, 1-4 May, 2005.
Al-Qirim, N. (2007). Transcending Electronic Governance Boundaries (Parts 1&2). e4all (the official monthly magazine of Dubai eGovernment). Available: http://e4all.dubai.ae/content/view/475/1/lang,en_US/