College of Business and Economics


List of publications

For a more up to date list check my google scholar profile
Journal publications
  1. Hamdouch, Y., Boulaksil, Y., & Ghoudi, K. (2023). Dual sourcing inventory management with nonconsecutive lead times from a supply chain perspective: a numerical study. Or Spectrum, 1-29.
  2. Al-Waqfi, M. A., Tlaiss, H., & Ghoudi, K. (2023). Career Adaptability as a Predictor of Job Search Intentions and Career Readiness of Young Adults in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Career Development, 08948453231157759.
  3. Kilani Ghoudi, Naâmane Laïb & Mohamed Chaouch (2023) Joint parametric specification checking of conditional mean and volatility in time series models with martingale difference innovations, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 35:1, 88-121, DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2022.2143499
  4. Albdour, A., Agiel, A., & Ghoudi, K. (2022). Assessing the Emotional Affordance of Brand Image and Foreign Image Based on a Physiological Method Using Examples from Dubai: Exploratory Study. Buildings, 12, 1650.
  5. Boulaksil, Y., Hamdouch, Y., Ghoudi, K., & Fransoo, J. C. (2021). Comparing policies for the stochastic multi-period dual sourcing problem from a supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 232, [107923].
  6. Hamdouch, Y., & Ghoudi, K. (2020). A Supply Chain Equilibrium Model with General Price-Dependent Demand. Operations Research Perspectives, 7, 100165.
  7. Jabeen, F., Friesen, H. L., & Ghoudi, K. (2018). Quality of work life of Emirati women and its influence on job satisfaction and turnover intention: evidence from the UAE. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(2), 352-370.
  8. Ghoudi, K., & Rémillard, B. (2018). Serial independence tests for innovations of conditional mean and variance models. TEST, 27(1), 3-26.
  9. Hamdouch, Y., Qiang, Q. P., & Ghoudi, K. (2017). A closed-loop supply chain equilibrium model with random and price-sensitive demand and return. Networks and Spatial Economics, 17(2), 459-503.
  10. Ghazal, M., Akmal, M., Iyanna, S., & Ghoudi, K. (2016). Smart plugs: Perceived usefulness and satisfaction: Evidence from United Arab Emirates. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 1248-1259.
  11. Abdel-Maksoud, A., Cheffi, W., & Ghoudi, K. (2016). The mediating effect of shop-floor involvement on relations between advanced management accounting practices and operational non-financial performance indicators. The British Accounting Review, 48(2), 169-184.
  12. Trabelsi, Z., Masud, M. M., & Ghoudi, K. (2015). Statistical dynamic splay tree filters towards multilevel firewall packet filtering enhancement. Computers & Security, 53, 109-131.
  13. Maraqa, M. A., & Ghoudi, K. (2015). Survey of public attitude towards bottled and tap water quality in the UAE. Global Nest journal, 17(3), 607-617.
  14. Ghoudi, K., & Rémillard, B. (2015). Diagnostic tests for innovations of ARMA models using empirical processes of residuals. In Asymptotic Laws and Methods in Stochastics (pp. 239-282). Springer New York.
  15. Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (2014). Comparison of specification tests for GARCH models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76, 291-300.
  16. Bouhaddioui, C., El-Bassiouni, M. Y. and Ghoudi, K. (2014) Interval estimation of variance ratio in non-normal unbalanced one-way random models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, 1329–1344.
  17. Trabelsi, Z., Zhang, L., Zeidan, S., & Ghoudi, K. (2013). Dynamic traffic awareness statistical model for firewall performance enhancement. Computers & Security, 39, 160–172.
  18. Duchesne, P., Ghoudi, K. and Rémillard, B. (2012) On testing for independence between the innovations of several time series. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 40, 447-479.
  19. Bouhaddioui, C. and Ghoudi, K. (2012) Empirical processes for infinite variance autoregressive models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 107, 319-335.
  20. Abdous, B., Fougeres, A.-L., Ghoudi, K. and Soulier, P. (2008) Estimation of bivariate excess probabilities for elliptical models. Bernoulli, 14, 1065-1088.
  21. Genest, C., Ghoudi, K., Remillard B. (2007). Rank based extensions of the Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman test. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 1363-1376.
  22. Abdous, B. Ghoudi, K. (2005). Nonparametric estimators of multivariate extreme dependence functions. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 915-935.
  23. Abdous, B., Fougeres, A.-L. and Ghoudi, K. (2005). Extreme behaviour for bivariate elliptical distributions. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 33, 317-334.
  24. Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (2004). Empirical processes based on pseudo-observations II: The multivariate case. Fields Institute Communications Series, 44, American Mathematical Society, 381-406.
  25. Abdous, B., Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (2003). Nonparamentric weighted-symmetry tests. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 31, 357-381.
  26. Ghoudi, K., Kulperger, R. J. and Remillard, B. (2001). A nonparametric test of serial independence for time series and residuals. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 79, 191-218.
  27. Ghoudi, K. and McDonald, D. (2000). Cramér von-Mises regression. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 689-714.
  28. Abdous, B., Ghoudi, K., and Khoudraji, A. (1999). Nonparametric estimation of the limit dependence functions of multivariate extremes. Extremes, 2, 243-265.
  29. Ghoudi, K., Khoudraji A. and Rivest, L.-P. (1998). Propriétés statistiques des copules de valeurs extrêmes bidimensionnelles. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 26, 187—197.
  30. Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (1998). Empirical processes based on pseudo- observations. Asymptotic Methods in Probability and Statistics: A Volume in Honour of Miklos Csörgő, B. Szyskowicz ed., Elsevier, 171--197.
  31. Genest, C., Ghoudi, K. and Rivest, L.P. (1998). Discussion of "Understanding relationships using copulas", by Edward Frees and Emiliano Valdez, January 1998, North American Actuarial Journal, 2 (3) 143--149.
  32. Barbe, P., Genest, C., Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (1996). On Kendall's Process. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 58, 197-229.
  33. Genest, C., Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (1996) A note on tightness. Statistics and Probability Letters, 27, 331-339.
  34. Genest, C., Ghoudi, K. and Rivest, L.-P. (1995). A semiparametric estimation procedure for dependence parameters in multivariate families of distributions. Biometrika, 82, 543-552.
  35. Ghoudi, K. (1995). Asymptotics of multivariate randomness statistics. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 55, 340-348.
  36. Genest, C. and Ghoudi, K. (1994). Une famille de lois bidimensionnelles insolite. Les Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences de Paris, t. 318, Serie I 351-354.
  37. Ghoudi, K. and McDonald, D. (1994). A nonparametric test for homogeneity: application to parameter estimation. I.M.S Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, 23, 149-156.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Albdour, A., Agiel, A., & Ghoudi, K. (2021). Assessing Emotional Affordance of the Brand Image and Foreign Image Based on the Emotiv Epoc+ Using Case Studies from Dubai. In 8th Zero Energy Mass Custom Home International Conference, ZEMCH 2021 (pp. 977-984). ZEMCH Network.
  2. Al Waqfi, M., Tlaiss, H. A., & Ghoudi, K. (2021). Career adaptability as a predictor of job search intentions and career readiness in the UAE. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 12630). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  3. Abdous, B. Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (1999). Empirical distribution-based tests for weighted-symmetry. ASMDA99 conference proceedings, 188—193.
  4. Ghoudi, K. and Remillard, B. (1999). A new nonparametric test of serial independence for time series. ASMDA99 conference proceedings, 182—187.
  5. Bose, P. J.D. Caron and K. Ghoudi (1998) Detection of text-line orientation, CCCG.