Book (Ph.D. Thesis)
- M. Adel Serhani, "A Framework and Methodology for Managing Quality of Web Services", VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K. (February 20, 2008), ISBN: 3836457679, 204 pages.
Book Chapters
M. Adel Serhani, M. E. Badidi, and Mohamed Vall Mohamed Salem, “A Scalable QoS-aware Web Services Management Architecture (QoSMA)”, Architecture of Reliable Web Applications Software , Edited by IDEA Group Publishing, ISBN 159904184-7, pp. 248-277, 2008. M. Adel Serhani, Elarbi Badidi, A. Benharef, R. Dssouli, H. Sahraoui, “Integration of Management of Quality of Web Services in Service Oriented Architectures”. Intelligent Information Technologies and Applications, Part of the Advances in Intelligent Information Technologies (AIIT) Book Series, Edited by Vijayan Sugumaran, ISBN 978-1-59904-958-8, pp.190-220, 2008. A. Benharef, M.Adel Serhani, M. Salem, R. Dssouli, “Multi-tier Framework for Management of Web Services’ Quality” Managing Web Service Quality: Measuring Outcomes and Effectiveness, Edited by IDEA Publishing, ISBN ISBN: 1-59904-183-9, December 2006, pp.248-278. 2008.
Refereed Journal Papers
- Serhani, M.A. Benharref, A. Badidi, E. Bouktif, S. “Multi-Broker Driven Certification and Monitoring for QoS-Aware Web Services Selection”, To appear in the Computer Journal, Oxford Journal, Academy of Computing, August 2011. (Impact Factor 1.327) (Class A* Journal)
- Serhani, MA. Jaffar, A. Campbell, P. Atif, Y. “A Framework for Web translation Service” Springer’s Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management, pp. 1-21, 2010. (Impact factor 0.667)
- Serhani, MA. Benharref, A. “Enforcing Quality of Service within Web Services Communities”, Journal of Software, Vol. 6, No. 4, Academic Publisher, April 2011. (Class B journal)
- Serhani, MA. Benharref, A. Dssouli, R. Mizouni, R. “Toward An Efficient Framework for Designing, Developing, and Using Secure Mobile Applications” International Journal of of Human and Social Sciences (IJHSS), World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, Volume 5 Number 4, pp. 271-278, 2010. (Class B journal)
- Y. Gadallah, M. A. Serhani, Nader, M. “Middleware Support for Service Discovery in Special Operations Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Elsevier’s Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
Vol.33, Issue 5, pp. 611-619, March 2010. (Impact factor 1.1) (Class A Journal)
- Q. Ming, F. Khendek, M.A Serhani, R. Dsouli, R. Roch, “An Architecture for Automatic QoS Adaptation for Composite Web Services”, International Journal of Web Services Practices, Vol. 4, No.1 (2009), pp. 18-27.
- A. Benharref, R. Dssouli, M. A. Serhani, and R. Glitho, “Efficient Traces' Collection Mechanisms for Passive Testing of Web Services” Elsevier’s Information and Software Technology Journal, Vol. 51, Issue 2, pp. 362-374, 2008. (Impact factor 1.507) (Class A Journal)
- M. Adel Serhani, R. Dssouli, H. Sahraoui, A. Benharref, E.Badidi, “VAQoS: Architecture for End-to-End QoS Management of Value Added Web Services”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 37-56, 2006.
Serhani, M.A, Wassim Elhajj, Serhani, M.A, Wassim E. “Movement-aware and QoS Driven Indoor Location and Mobile Service Discovery Framework” submitted to Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier of the 2011.(Impact Factor 1.17) Serhani, M.A. Gadallah, Y. Barka, E. “Secure Role-based Multicast for Service Discovery and Selection in Specialized Mobile Networks” submitted to the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Wiley (Impact Factor 0.8) Jamal Bentahar, Babak Khosravifar, Mohamed Adel Serhani, Mahsa Alishahi. “On the Analysis of Reputation for Agent-based Web Services” submitted to the Springer Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer (Impact Factor 1.54)
Refereed Conference papers
M.A Serhani, A. Benharref “Towards an Architecture for efficient Mobility-aware Web Service Publication, Discovery, Verification, and Selection”, To appear in the IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 2011.
Y. Gadallah, M.A Serhani “A WSN-Driven Service Discovery Technique for Disaster Recovery Using Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, To appear in the 4th IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days, Canada, 2011.
M.A. Serhani, A. Benharref, “Mobility-aware Selection of Mobile Web Services”, IEEE 9th International Conference on Web Services, Washington DC, USA, July 2011. [Acceptance Rate 17.6%]
A. Lakas, M.A. Serhani, M. Boulmalf “A Hybrid Cooperative Service Discovery Scheme for Mobile Services in VANET” IEEE 7th international conference on wireless and mobile computing, networking and communications, Shanghai, China, pp. 25-31, 2011. [Acceptance Rate ~30%]
A. Benharref, M.A. Serhani, S. Bouktif, J. Bentahar “Online Monitoring for Sustainable Communities of Web Services”, the 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Dublin Ireland, pp. 712-715, 2011. [Acceptance Rate 29.4%]
A. Al-Flasi, M.A. Serhani, E. Barka “A Collaborative Reputation-based Vetting Model for Online Certification of Businesses”, ACM 2nd Kuwait International Conference on E-Services and E-Systems, Kuwait, April, 2011. [Best Paper Award]
A. Al-Flasi, M.A. Serhani, “A Framework for SLA-Based Cloud Services Verification and Composition”, International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2011.
A. Benharref, M.A. Serhani, S. Bouktif, J. Bentahar, “A new Approach for Quality Enforcement in Communities of Web Services” IEEE 8th International Conference on Services Computing, pub: IEEE / Computer Society. Washington, pp. 472-479, Washington DC, USA, July 2011. [Acceptance Rate 26%]
R. Mizouni, M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. Benharref, and I. Taleb, "Performance Evaluation of Mobile Web Services", 9th IEEE European Conference on Web Services, Lugano, Switzerland, 2011. [Acceptance Rate 24%]
R. Mizouni, M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. Benharref, and I. Taleb, “On the Performance of Hosting Web Services on Mobile Devices” 9th IEEE International Conference on Service Computing, Washington DC, USA, July 2011. [Acceptance Rate 26%]
M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, “Case Study: Master of Science in Service Computing”, Services Computing Curriculum Initiative (SCCI), IEEE Sixth World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2010), pp. 80-83, July 5-1, Miami, USA. [Acceptance Rate 26%]
M.A. Serhani, A. Benharref, N. Al-Qirim, “Enterprise Services (Business) Collaboration Using Portal and SOA-based Semantics” IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, pp. 450-455, Dubai 2010. [Acceptance Rate ~ 40%]
Serhani, MA. Gadallah, Y. “A Service Discovery Protocol for Emergency Response Operations using Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” the Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 280-285, Barcelona, Spain, 2010. [Acceptance Rate ~ 30%]
Benharref, A. Serhani, M.A., Bouktif, S., J. Bentahar “A Managerial Community of Web Services for Management of Communities of Web Services”, 10th International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems, Tozeur, Tunis, pp. 97-104 May 2010. [Acceptance Rate 33.3%]
S. Bouktif, M.A. Serhani, A. Benharraf, “Reducing the Gap Between Software Engineering Curriculum Material and Market needs”, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EduLearn’10, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
Mizouni, R. Serhani, M.A., Dssouli, R. Benharref, A. “Challenges in “Mobilizing” Desktop applications: a New Methodology for Requirements Engineering” the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Al-Ain, UAE, pp. 225-229, December, 2009.
Serhani, M.A. Badidi, M.A Benharref, A. Boulmalef, M. “Using an Hybrid Model to Evaluate and Improve Performance of Wireless Access to Basic and Composite Web Services” IADIS International Conference Wireless applications and Computing, Algarve, Portugal, June, pp. 232-235, 2009.
Badidi E., Esmahi L., Serhani M.A., Ikbal T., “A QoS-Broker Based Framework for Personalized Web Services Provisioning to Mobile Users”, In Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS'09), Milan, Italy, pp. 147-152, July 2009.
Atif, Y. Serhani, A. Campbell, P. Sujith, M. "Trusted Translation Services", CollaborateCom, the 4th ACM International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Work sharing, pp. 778-791, Orlando, USA, 2008. [Acceptance Rate 37.14%]
Badidi E., Serhani M.A., Esmahi L., “A Policy-based Framework for QoS Management in Service Oriented Environments”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CIS2E 08), December 2008.
Ahmed, F.; Bouktif, S.; Serhani, A. & Khalil I. (2008) “Integrating Function Point Project Information for Improving the Accuracy of Estimation Process”, the 2nd International Conference on Advance Engineering Computing & Application in Sciences (ADVCOMP 08), pp. 193-198, Spain 2008. [Acceptance Rate 34.8%]
Q. Ming, F. Khendek, M.A. Serhani, R. Dsouli, G. Roch, “Automatic QoS Adaptation for Composite Web Services”, the 5th Innovations in Information Technology Conference (Innovations’08), AL-AIN, UAE, pp. 180-184 December 2008.
Badidi E., Esmahi L., Serhani M.A., Bouktif S., “A Web Services based Framework for Uniform Integration of Command-line Bioinformatics Software Tool”, the 5th Innovations in Information Technology Conference (Innovations’08), AL-AIN, UAE, pp. 6-8, December 2008.
Serhani, M.A Badidi, E. Benharref, A. Salem, M. “A cooperative approach for QoS-aware Web Services’ Selection”. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 (ICCCE08), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1084-1088, May 2008. [Acceptance Rate ~ 40%]
E. Badidi, M.A Serhani, L. Esmahi, M. El-koutbi, “Practical Load Distribution Models for Web Services based environments”. In Proceeding of the IEEE International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Montreal, Canada, pp. 258-261, January 2008. [Acceptance Rate 39%]
A. Benharref, R. Dssouli, M. A. Serhani, A. En-Nouaary, and R. Glitho, "New approach for EFSM-based Passive Testing of Web Services", 19th IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (TestCom), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pub: Springer Verlag. Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 13-27, 2007. [Acceptance Rate 30%]
A. Benharref, M. A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. En-Nouaary, and R. Glitho, "Traversée Parallèle pour l’Accélération du Test Passif des Services Web Basé sur les MEFE", 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE), pub: Hermès. Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 329-340, 2007.
M.A. Serhani, H. Hasan, A. Sheikha, A. Jasim, A. Fatima, S. Hessa “Towards an Integrated Online Payment System Using Composition of Web Services”, Innovations in Information Technology Conference (IIT’07), pp. 734-737, 18-20, November 2007, Dubai, UAE.
L. Ismail, M.A Serhani, S. Elnafaar, Y. Atif, “Semantic Grid-Based E-learning Architecture”, The 3rd International conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Xi’an China, pp. 511-514, Oct 29-31, 2007. [Acceptance Rate 11%]
M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. Benharref, “CompQoS: Towards an Architecture for QoS composition and monitoring (validation) of composite web services”, IASTED, International Conference on Web Technologies, Application, And Services “WTAS”, pp. 78-83, July 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. [Acceptance Rate 33.3%]
A. Benharref, M. A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, R. Glitho, “Utilisation des Agents Mobiles pour la Vérification de la Qualité de Service des Services Web” ", 6ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE), pub: Lavoisier. Toulouse, France, pp. 339-350, 2006.
A. Benharref, R. Glitho, R. Dssouli, M.A. Serhani, “Towards the testing of composed web services in 3rd Generation Network”, 18th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (TestCom), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3964, pub: Springer Verlag. New York, NY, United States, pp. 118-133, 2006. [Acceptance Rate 47%]
M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, A. Hafid, H. Sahraoui, “A QoS broker based architecture for efficient web services selection”, IEEE international conference on Web Services, July 2005, Volume 1, pp.113-120, Orlando Florida, USA. Cited by 96 Google Scholars 29-05-2011. [Acceptance Rate 18.9%]
M. A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, H. Sahraoui, A. Hafid, A. Benharref, “Toward a new web services development life cycle”, International Multi-Conferences in Computer Science & Computer Engineering, International Symposium on Web Services and Applications, pp. 94-103, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2005.
M.A. Serhani, R. Dssouli, H. Sahraoui, A. Benharref, E. Badidi, “QoS Integration in Value Added Web Services”, 2nd international conference on Innovations in Information Technology. Dubai, U.A.E, pp. 57-69, 2005. [Nominated for best paper award]
E. Badidi, L. Esmahi, M.A. Serhani, “A Queuing Model for Service Selection of Multi-classes QoS-aware Web Services”, IEEE, European Conference on Web Services ECOWS, pp. 204-212, Vaxjo, Sweden, November 2005. [Acceptance Rate 17%]
A. Benharref, M.A. Serhani, R. Glitho, and R. Dssouli, "Une architecture Multi-Observateur pour l’Observation des Services Web Composés", 5ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE). Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, pp. 153-162, 2005.
I. Taleb, A. Hafid, M.A. Serhani, “QoS-Aware Multimedia Web Services Architecture”, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, May 2005, Miami, USA. [Acceptance Rate 49%]
M.A. Serhani, A. Hafid, S. Houari, A. Benharref, “QoS Broker- Based Architecture for Web Services”, 4th International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), pp. 68-81, Morocco, 2004.
H.A. Sahraoui, M. Boukadoum, M.A. Serhani, H. M. Chawiche, Gang Mai ‘‘Building and Using Rule-Based Software Quality Prediction Models’’, IEEE, COMPSAC 2002, pp. 131-138, Oxford (England), August 2002. [Acceptance Rate 38%]
M.A. Serhani “Extending Software Quality Predictive Models Using Domain Knowledge and Fuzzy logic”, Master thesis University of Montreal, Canada 2002.
H.A. Sahraoui, M.A. Serhani, M. Boukadoum, “Extending Software Quality Predictive Models Using Domain Knowledge”, the 5th International ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE 2001) Budapest, Hungary June, 2001