Attendance Mapper

Brief instructions:
  1. From eServices: Copy [Control+A (Windows/Linux) OR Command+A (Mac)] and paste [Control+V (Windows/Linux) OR Command+V (Mac)] the ENTIRE "Take Attendance" webpage from eServices with all the student names, IDs, lecture times, etc. in the first box. See image
  2. From Blackboard: Copy contents of the CSV attendance report for the corresponding course/section/date obtained by "View Report"->"Export to CSV" and paste it in the second box. See image
  3. Click "Submit". Students who were absent will be highlighted and marked "ABSENT". The total time each student attended will also be displayed. You can export the table as a CSV file using the "Save as CSV" button below the table.
Copy and paste the "Take Attendance" webpage from eServices below. See image

Copy and paste the attendance CSV report from Blackboard below. See image


Please send comments/feedback/bugs to ranjit.v@uaeu.