of Information Technology
Arab Emirates University
P. O. Box
17551, Al-Ain UAE
Brief Biography
Mohammad Hayajneh (SM01, M04) received his
B.Sc and M.Sc in Electrical Engineering majoring in Electronics
and Communications from Jordan University of Science and
Technology in 1995, 1998, respectively. He received his PhD in
Electrical Engineering from University ofNew Mexico (Albuquerque,
USA) in 2004. In September 2004 he joined the College of
Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University (Al Ain,
UAE), as an Assistant Professor with the Computer System
Engineering track. Before joining the PhD program at University
of New Mexico, Dr. Hayajneh held several positions in the
academia: he was lecturer and head of the Telecom. Department in
the Institute of Science for Telecom and Technology in Riyadh,
KSA from 20002001. And from 19982000 he was an
instructor at Princess Sumaya University of Technology, (PSUT)
Amman, Jordan. Dr. Hayajneh research interests include: power
control for wireless data networks, WiMAX cross-layer scheduling,
resource allocation and pricing in wireless data networks, MIMO
systems, performance analysis and modeling of OFDMA based
wireless networks.
Research Areas
- MIMO packet scheduling
- Power and rate control algorithms
- Application of game theory to power and rate control
- Space-Time codes
- Broadband wireless networks
- Underwater sensor networks
- Najah Abu Ali, Mohammad Hayajneh, and
Hossam Hassanein, ``CongestionBased Pricing
Resource Management in Broadband Wireless Networks"
to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications (accepted March 2010)
- Mohammad Hayajneh and Yasser Gadallah,
``DCLRRA: Distributed Cross-Layer Routing and Resource
Allocation Techniques for OFDMA-Based Broadband Wireless
Networks" , Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing Journal (accepted with minor revision Feb.
- M. Hayajneh and
Chaouki T. Abdallah, ``Distributed Joint Rate and Power
Control Game- Theoretic Algorithms for Wireless
Data", IEEE Communications Letters, vol.8,
no.8, pp.511-513, Aug. 2004.
- Mohammad Hayajneh,
Najah Abu Ali, and Issa Khalil, ``Uplink and downlink
scheduling for Point-to-Multipoint WiMax Networks" ,
to be published in Wiley's Wireless Communication and
mobile computing Journal.[online] doi.wiley.com/10.1002/wcm.688
- Issa Khalil, Saurab Bagchi, Najah Abu Ali, Mohammad
Hayajneh, DISA: Detection and Isolation of
Sneaky Attackers in Locally-Monitored Multi-hop Wireless
Networks, accepted for publication in Wiley's
Security and Communication Networks Journal, September
- T. Taibi, W. Ibrahim and M.
Hayajneh, ``Effect of Question Type on the
Performance of Information Technology
Students,"accepted for publication in the
International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies
(IJTCS), Oct. 2008.
- Mohammad Hayajneh
, Issa Khalil, and Yasser Gadallah, ``An OFDMA-Based MAC
Protocol for Under Water Acoustic Wireless Sensor
Networks", to be presented at IEEE IWCMC'09,
Leipzig, Germany, 21-24 June
- Mohammad Hayajneh,
Issa Khalil, and Mamoun Awad, ``Non-Cooperative
Uplink Power Control Game for CDMA Wireless
Communications Systems", to be presented at IEEE
ISCC'09, Soussa, Tounisia, 5-8 July 2009.
- Isaa Khalil, Mohammad Hayajneh, and
Mamoun Awad, ``SVNM: Secure Verification of Neighborhood
Membership in Static Multi-hop Wireless Networks",to
be presented at IEEE ISCC'09, Soussa, Tounisia,
5-8 July 2009.
- Mohammad Hayajneh
and Yasser Gadallah, ``Throughput Analysis of WiMAX Based
Wireless Networks", in the proceedings of Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference, 2008 (WCNC08),
Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1997-2002, April 2008.
- Najah Abu Ali, Mohammad
hayajneh and Hossam Hassanein, ``Cross-Layer
Scheduling Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless
Networks", in the Proceedings of IEEE
International Communications Conference 2008 (IEEE ICC08),
pp. 3858 - 3862, Beijing, China, May 2008.
- M. Hayajneh,
Chaouki T. Abdallah, and W. Ibrahim, ``Impact of Fading
Wireless Channel on The Performance of Game Theoretic
Power Control Algorithms for CDMA Wireless Data", in
the Proceedings of ACS /IEEE AICCSA08, Doha,
Qatar, pp. 317 -324, March 2008.
- Yasser Gadallah and Mohammad
Hayajneh, ``Probability Bounds of Throughput
Performance of Real-Time Traffic in WiMAX Networks",
in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC
2008), pp. 332 - 337, Crete, Greece, August 2008.
- Mohammad Hayajneh,
Najah A. Abu Al, and Hossam Hassanein,``Adaptive
Bandwidth Provisioning in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless
Networks ", to appear in the proceedings of GlobeCom
2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- F. Sallabi, M. Hayajneh,
W. Ibrahim, `` QoS Issues in OFDMA Based Wireless
Networks," Proc. Second International Conference
on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization,
ICMSAO 07, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2007, in
- M. Hayajneh, M.
Costa, and Chaouki T. Abdallah, ``Exploiting Multiuser
Diversity in Scheduling MIMO Cellular Systems", In
the Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International
Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking
and Communications (WiMOB06) , Montreal, Canada,
June 2006, pp. 362-365.
- W. Ibrahim, M. Hayajneh,
A. Elchouemi,``The Effect of Test Correlation on VLSI
Test Vectors Selection", IEEE International
Design and Test Workshop IDT06}, Dubai,
UAE, Nov. 2006, in press.
- M. S. Hayajneh and
Chaouki T. Abdallah, ``Distributed Power Control Game
Theoretic Algorithms For DS-CDMA Wireless Data'',in the
Proceedings of IIT`04, Dubai, pp. 438-447,
October 2004.
- M. Hayajneh and
Chaouki T. Abdallah, ``Statistical Learning Theory to
Evaluate The Performance of Game Theoretic Power Control
Algorithms for Wireless Data in Arbitrary Channels,"
In the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference 2003 (WCNC03), vol.4,
no.1, New Orleans, LA, pp.723-728, Mar. 2003.
- M. Hayajneh and
Chaouki T. Abdallah, ``Performance of Game Theoretic
Power Control Algorithms In Interference Limited Wireless
Fading Channels," in the proceedings of Sixth
Baiona Workshop on Signal Processing in Communications,
Baiona, SPAIN, Sep. 2003.
- M. Hayajneh and A.
Scaglione ``Space-time codes for high bit rate wireless
communications: asymptotic performance of space-time
random codes", IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS02), vol. 1, pp. 857
-860, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 2002.
- Mohammed M. Banat, Ibrahim Ghareeb,
and Mohammed Hayajneh,``Power Spectrum
of Hybrid Optical Modulated Signals Employed in Cellular
Mobile Communication Systems ," in the proceedings
of the Jordan International Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Conference, Apr. 1998.
Other Publications
- Mohammad hayajneh, ``Application
of Game Theory to Power and Rate Control for Wireless
Data,'' Ph.D. Dissertation, ECE Department,
University of New Mexico, July 2004.
- Mohammad Hayajneh, ``Optical
Fiber Feeder for Cellular Mobile Communication Systems
Employing Hybrid Modulation Scheme,'' MS Thesis,
EECE Department, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, January 1998.
- Co-PI on a
Emirates Foundation grant of 200,000DH titled ``Extending
Network Communications Reach to Desert and Disaster
Areas, received February 2009.
- PI on UAEU grant
of 19200 DH titled ``Throughput Analysis of WiMAX
Based Wireless Networks", received March 2008.
- Co-PI on a UAEU
grant of 15500 DH titled ``Modeling of 802.16
Throughput Performance Bounds", received
March 2008.
- Co-PI on a UAEU
grant of 20,000DH titled ``Scheduling for
Point-to-Multipoint WiMax Networks", received
March 2008.
- PI on a Emirates
Foundation grant of 200,000 DH titled ``A WiMAX-based
Fire Protection System", Submitted June 2008.
- Co-PI on a
Emirates Foundation grant of 200,000 DH titled ``Water
Conservation and Irrigation Control in UAE Using Wireless
Sensor Networks", Submitted June 2008.
- PI on a National
Research Foundation grant of 750,000 DH titled ``Performance
Analysis of OFDMA Based Broadband Wireless Networks with
Cooperative Diversity",
Submitted February 2009.
Awards and Honors
- Graduate student King Fellowship, UNM Spring 2003.
- M.Sc. Scholarship, Jordan University of Science and
Technology (JUST), 1995.
- ECE 425 Digital Signal Processing Lab. (Fall 2001,
Cornell Univ.)
- EECE 441 Communication systems (UNM, Spring 2003)
- ITBP 209 Digital Hardware Fundamentals (CIT, Fall 2004,
Fall 2005, Fall 2006)
- CSEB 311 Digital System Design I (CIT, Fall 2004)
- CSEB 301 Circuits Fundamentals (CIT, Spring 2005, Fall
- ITBP 211 Computing Systems (CIT, Spring 2005)
- CSEB 341 Data Communications (CIT, Fall 2005, Spring
- ITBP 310 Network Protocols and Software (CIT, Spring
- ITBP 205 Digital Design and Computer Organization (CIT,
- CSEB 420 Signals and Systems II (CIT, Fall 2007)
- ECOM 561 Information Theory and Coding (EE, Spring 2009)
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2003 , 2004
(CDC03, CDC04)
- IEEE Communications Letters 2003-2007
- IEEE American Control Conference 2004 (ACC2004)
- Communications in Information and Systems (CIS) a journal
sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong (IMS, CUHK), 2003
- Autosoft Journal -Intelligent Automaton and Soft
Computing (IASC), 2004
- IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2004,
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2004
- 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European
Control Conference ECC 2005
- IEEE Transactions on Communications 2005, 2006
- IEEE Transaction on Autamatic Control 2005,2006, 2007
- IEEE International Cmmunications Conference 2007, 2008
- IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology 2006,2007, 2008
- IEEE Vehicular technology Conference 2006, 2007, 2008
Professional Services
- Member, IEEE Communications Society, since 2002
- Member, IEEE Information Theory Society
- Member, IEICE, since 2008