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Mohamed Haj Yousef

Single Monad Model and Duality of Time Theory

Eternity: ab ante - a post


This book is a translation, with extensive annotation, of one of Ibn al-Arabi's key treatises on the subject of time, called: kitab al-azal (the book of Eternity). In this book, Ibn al-Arabi elaborates on the different philosophical opinions on the subject of eternity and how it applies to divinity. He then explains his own unique concept and relate it to our concept of time.
Expected in June 2019.  













The Duality of Time Theory, that results from the Single Monad Model, explains how multiplicity is dynamically emerging from absolute Oneness, and vice versa, at every instance of time! This theory leads to the Ultimate Symmetry of Space and its instantaneous breaking into the physical and psychical creations, with two hyperbolically orthogonal arrows of time.


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Allah is Beautiful, and He loves beauty.
Hadith by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) [Sahih Muslim - 131. - -]