Green Schools Workshop: Performance Analysis & Building Simulation
IBPSA-UAE student chapter had successfully organized a workshop on “Green Schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi” for the postgraduate students of The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), Department of Architectural Engineering in 20th March 2012. The invited speaker was Mrs. Jyotti Sharma, a senior architect from Abu Dhabi Educational Council (ADEC). ADEC is the official entity from the government of Abu Dhabi which is in charge of designing all new schools and educational buildings in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Arch. Sharma explained the Estidama design guidelines and assessment tool for green schools and showed several case studies of finished projects and future ones. These schools namely: Al-Diwan Kindergarten, Al-Husoon Girls High Schools and Al-Jahili Boys Elementary School, included sustainable design strategies, both passive and active one; and many of simulation tools that were used intensively during the design stage. Performance analysis and simulation techniques were highlighted.
Prof. Al-Sallal presenting the invited speaker to the audience.
The invited speaker Arch. Jyotti Sharma presenting her slides about Green Schools in Abu Dhabi.
Part of Arch. Sharma slides showing the site plan studies.
Prof. Al-Sallal and Arch. Sharma answering student’s questions while having snacks.