ELEC 602 - Linear Systems
Instructor: Abdulrahman Kalbat
Grading Policy:
5% Active Participation
25% Homework
25% Midterm Exam
15% Final Presentation
30% Final Exam
Course overview, systems overview, linear algebra, matrix theory
Linear time invariant systems
Open loop aspects: Controllability, Observability, Canonical forms
Stability analysis
State feedback
State estimation
Linear time varying systems
Main textbook:
Chi-Tsong Chen, “Linear System Theory and Design”, 4th International Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014
Recommended References:
Thomas Kailath, “Linear Systems”, 1st Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1980
Gilbert Strang, “Introduction to Linear Algebra”, 5th Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2016
Gilbert Strang, “Introduction to Linear Algebra”, 4th Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2009
Course Materials
Version 1 (Fall 2016)
- Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Systems Overview, Linear Time Invariant Systems, Linear Algebra
Lecture 2: Systems, State Space Models, Time Response, Matrix Exponential
Lecture 3: Cayley Hamilton Theorem, From TF to SS and Vice Versa
Lecture 4: Controllability, Observability, Canonical Forms
Lecture 5: Canonical Forms, Minimal Realizations, From SS to DE Directly
Lecture 6: Jordan Canonical Form
Lecture 7: Internal, BIBO and Lyapunov Stability
Lecture 8: State Feedback
Lecture 9: State Estimation, State Feedback + State Estimator
Lecture 10: State Feedback + State Estimator
- Homework
Version 2 (Fall 2019)
- Detailed Course Outline for Fall 2019
- Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Systems Overview, Linear Time Invariant Systems, Linear Algebra
Lecture 2: Systems, State Space Models, Time Response, Matrix Exponential
Lecture 3: Cayley Hamilton Theorem, From TF to SS and Vice Versa
Lecture 4: Controllability, Observability, Canonical Forms
Lecture 5: Canonical Forms, Minimal Realizations, From SS to DE Directly
Lecture 6: Jordan Canonical Form
Lecture 7: Internal, BIBO and Lyapunov Stability
Lecture 8: State Feedback
Lecture 9: State Estimation
Lecture 10: State Feedback + State Estimator
Lecture 11: Linear Time Varying Systems
- Homework