Abdulrahman Kalbat Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering Department United Arab Emirates University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Contact: Office: Building F1, office 1167 Phone: +971-3-713-5121 Email: akalbat [at] uaeu.ac.ae
October 2018: Received Sheikh Rashid Award for Scientific Outstanding [ In the News: Winners Announcement (Arabic), Press Release (English), Press Release (Arabic) ]
December 2017: Selected as a member of Mohammed bin Rashid Academy of Scientists
December 2016: New solver (implemented in C++ ) for large-scale semidefinite programs: “Sparse SDP Solver”
December 2016: New paper on solving large-scale semidefinite programs: “A Fast Distributed Algorithm for Sparse Semidefinite Programs”
October 2016: New paper on distributed computation for conic optimization: “Distributed Computation for Sparse Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Power Optimization Problems”
September 2016: Offering three sections in Fall 2016 (see Teaching)
August 2016: Received an award from UAE University in recognition of the fast completion of my PhD in Columbia University.
February 2016: Joined the United Arab Emirates University as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department.
December 2015: Presented two papers in the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Osaka, Japan:
A Fast Distributed Algorithm for Decomposable Semidefinite Programs
ADMM for Sparse Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Optimal Power Flow Problem
December 2015: Co chaired two sessions in the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Osaka, Japan:
Computational Methods II
Optimization II
November 2015: I successfully defended my PhD thesis “Distributed and Large-Scale Optimization”.
November 2015: New paper Convex Relaxation for Optimal Distributed Control Problem has been conditionally accepted as a full paper for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
September 2015: Started as a visiting scholar in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department at the University of California at Berkeley.
July 2015: Talk at the Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) on A Fast Distributed Algorithm for Sparse Semidefinite Programs.
July 2015: Talk at the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Sparse Semidefinite Programs.
May 2015: I successfully passed the PhD Thesis Proposal/Prospectus Examination.
March 2015: New paper on fast algorithms for large-scale semidefinite programs: A Fast Distributed Algorithm for Decomposable Semidefinite Programs
March 2015: New paper on distributed computation for power systems: ADMM for Sparse Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Optimal Power Flow Problem
January 2015: I passed the Doctoral Qualifying Examination which is required by the Electrical Engineering Department
August 2014: New paper to appear in Allerton 2014: Efficient Convex Relaxation for Stochastic Optimal Distributed Control Problem
January 2014: I started my PhD program in Electrical Engineering in Columbia University.
January 2014: I received the MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University.