AAPG Bulletin- American Association of Petroleum Geologists (UAEU only)

A+U Architecture and Urbanism

ABA Banking Journal

ACM Computing Surveys

ACM Transactions on Database Systems

ACM Transactions on Programming Language and Systems

AIAA Journal

AICHE Journal

AJ+ Focus-The Architects’ Journal

AJMR- American Journal of Mental Retadaration

AMBIO- Journal of the Human Environment (Free FT)

AMSTAT Journals & 'Zines Online

ANZIAM Journal (Australian & New Zealand Industrial & Applied Mathematics)

ASHRAE Journal (UAEU only)

ATMP- Advances in Theoretical & Mathematical Physics (Free FT)

AV Magazine (UAEU only)

Abacus - Oxford (FT-UAEU only)

Academy of Management Journal (UAEU only)

Academy of Management Review (UAEU only)


Accounting and Business Research (UAEU only)

Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal (FT-UAEU only)

Accounting, Organizations and Society

Accounting Review

Accounts of Chemical Research

Acta Chemica Scandinavica-Ser.A: Physical & Inorganic Chemistry

Acta Biochimica Polonica (Free FT)  

Acta Crystallographica-A: Foundations of Crystallography (FT-UAEU only)

Acta Haematologica

Acta Horticulturae

Acta Materialia

Acta Sociologica (FT-UAEU only)

Actualite Juridique-Droit Administratif (AJDA)

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

Administration and Society (FT-UAEU only)

Administrative Science Quarterly

Adolescence - San Diego (UAEU only)

Adult Education Quarterly (FT-UAEU only)

Advances in Applied Probability

Advances in Bichemical Engineering/Biotechnology

Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biocemistry

Advances in Engineering Software

Advances in Mathematics

Advances in Physics (FT-UAEU only)

Advances in Polymer Sciences

Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Water Management

Agronomy Journal

Ahfad Journal- Women & Change

Air and Space Law

Al Arabiyya- Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic

American Anthropologist

American Ceramic Society Bulletin

American Economic Review

American Educational Research Journal

American Ethnologist

American Heritage of Invention & Technology

American Historical Review

American Journal of Agricultural Economics (FT-UAEU only)

American Journal of Comparative Law

American Journal of Education

American Journal of International Law

American Journal of Islamic Social Science

American Journal of Nutrition

American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Endocrinology & Metabolism (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Gastrointestinal & Liver (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Heart & Circulatory (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Lung (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative (Free FT)

American Journal of Physiology- Renal (Free FT)

American Journal of Potato Research (Free FT)

American journal of Psychology (Free FT)

American Journal of Sociology(Free FT)

American Journal of Sport Medicine

American Journal of Veterinary Research

American Literature

American Mathematical Monthly

American Mineralogist

American Philosophical Quarterly

American Political Science Review (UAEU only)

American Psychologist

American Quarterly (UAEU only)

American Review of International Arbitration

American Review of Public Administration

American Scientist

American Sociological Review (UAEU only)

American Statistician (TAS)

American Water Works Association Journal

American Zoologist

Analysis (Oxford) (FT-UAEU only)

Analyst (Cambridge) (FT-UAEU only)

Analytica Chimica Acta

Analytical Abstracts

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Letters

Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English)

Animal Behavior

Animal Feed Science and Technology

Animal Reproduction Science

Animal Science

Annals of Applied Biology

Annals of Botany

Annals of Nuclear Energy=Atomnaya Energiya (RU)

Annals of Physics

Annals of the Association of American Geographers (FT-UAEU only)

Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences (Free FT)

Annual Review of Anthropology (GN1 A623)

Annual Review of Biochemistry (QP501 A7)

Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (QH573 A56)

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (QE1 A674)

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (QH540 A53)

Annual Review of Energy and the Environment (TJ163.2 A55)

Annual Review of Entomology (QL461 A6)

Annual Review of Genetics (QH431 A1 A54)

Annual Review of Materials Science (QH431 A1 A54)

Annual Review of Nutrition (QP141 A1 A64)

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (QD450 A55)

Annual Review of Phytopathology (SB599 A68)

Annual Review of Plant Physiology (QK1 A48)

Annual Review of Psychology (BF30 A56)

Annual Review of Sociology (HM1 A763)

Anthropological Linguistics

Anthropological Quarterly

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (excluding most 11 months) (Free FT)

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (excluding most recent 6 months) (Free FT)

Applied Catalysis-A: General

Applied Catalysis-B: Environmental

Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis

Applied Economics (FT-UAEU only)

Applied Energy

Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Applied Financial Economics (FT-UAEU only)

Applied Linguistics

Applied Mathematical Modelling

Applied Mathematics and Optimization (FT-UAEU only)

Applied Optics

Applied Physics Letters

Applied Stochastic Models in Business & industry

Appraisal Journal


Aquaculture Research

Arab Law Quarterly

Arab Studies Quarterly

Arabian computer news

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (UAEU only)


Arabies Trends

Architectural Design

Architectural Record

Architectural Review

Archive for History of Exact Sciences (FT-UAEU only)

Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology

Archives of Microbiology (FT-UAEU only)


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (FT-UAEU only)

Astronomy and Astrophysics - Les Ulis (FT-UAEU only)

Astrophysical Journal

Astrophysics (Free FT)  

Astrophysics and Space Science

Atlantic Monthly

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics (FT-UAEU only)

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture (FT-UAEU only)

Australian Journal of Management  (Free FT)

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology

Australian Journal of Psychology

Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Marine Science Bulletin


Automotive Engineering International




Banker (UAEU only)

Bankers Magazine - Boston (UAEU only)

Banking Strategies (UAEU only)

BBA- Bioenergetics

Biochemical Engineering Journal

Biochemical Journal (FT-UAEU only)


Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetic


Biological Bulletin

Biological Control

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biomedical Materials and Engineering

Biometrika (FT-UAEU only)

Biophysical Journal (excluding the most recent 9 months) (Free FT)

Bioscene- Journal of College Biology Teaching (Free FT)

Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Botanical Journal of the Linear Society

British Educational Research Journal (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Clinical Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Criminology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Educational Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Educational Studies (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Educational Technology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

British Journal of Social Psychology

British Journal of Special Education (FT-UAEU only)

Broadcast Engineering

Building & Environment

Bulletin of Regional Cooperation in the Middle East (Free FT)

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (FT-UAEU only)

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (FT-UAEU only)




CMLS- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (FT-UAEU only)

California Management Review

Cambridge Journal of Economics

Cambridge Journal of Education (FT-UAEU only)

Cambridge Quarterly

Canadian Journal of Animal Science

Canadian Journal of Botany

Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Canadian Journal of Chemistry

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Canadian Journal of Higher Education 

Canadian Journal of Mathematics

Canadian Journal of Microbiology

Canadian Journal of Physics

Canadian Journal of Plant Science

Canadian Journal of Statistics



Catalysis Reviews- Science & Engineering

Cement & Concrete Research

Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings (UAEU only)

Ceramic International

CHEER- Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (Free FT)

Chemical Communications (FT-UAEU only)

Chemical Engineering Journal

Chemical Engineering Progress

Chemical Engineering Research and Design (FT-UAEU only)

Chemical Engineering Science

Chemical Geology

Chemical Innovation

Chemical Physics

Chemical Physics Letters

Chemical Reviews

Chemical Society Reviews (FT-UAEU only)

Chemistry of Materials


Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Development

Child Study Journal

Child Welfare (UAEU only)

Childhood Education

Children and Youth Service

Choice-Current Reviews of Academic Books

Chronicle of Higher Education

Clay Minerals (FT-UAEU only)

Clinical Microbiology Reviews (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Cognitive Linguistics (FT-UAEU only)

College English

College Mathematics Journal.

College Quartely

Columbia Journalism Review

Combustion and Flame

Communication Research (FT-UAEU only)

Communications in Mathematical Physics (FT-UAEU only)

Communications in Statistics-A: Theory and Methods

Communications in Statistics-B: Simulation and Computation

Communications in Statistics-C: Stochastic Models

Communications of the ACM

Comparative Criticism (UAEU only)

Comparative Education (FT-UAEU only)

Comparative Education Review


Computer-Aided Geometric Design

Computer Graphics Forum (FT-UAEU only)

Computer Languages

Computer Physics Communication

Computers and Chemical Engineering

Computers and Education

Computers and Electrical Engineering

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

Computers and Fluids

Computers & Mathematics with Applications

Computers & Operations Research

Computers and Structures

Computers in Industry

Computers in Physics


Concrete International Design & Construction

Condensed Matter (Free FT)

Conservation Ecology (Free FT)

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood

Contemporary Psychology

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Control Engineering

Co-ordination Chemistry Reviews


Copyright Bulletin

Corrosion Science

Cretaceous Research

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

Critical Inquiry


Cultural Anthropology

Current Anthropology

Current History

Current Research in Social Psychology

Current Sociology (FT-UAEU only)



Dalton (FT-UAEU only)



Design Engineering

Development (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Developmental Psychology

Differential and Integral Equations

Drug and Alcohol Dependence




Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Earth Science Reviews

Ecological Applications

Ecological Entomology

Ecological Monographs


Econometrics Journal

Economic Development & Cultural Change

Economic Geology

Economic Journal


Econometrics Journal (FT-UAEU only)

ECRP- Early Childhood Research & Practice (Free FT)


Education Digest

Education in Science

Education Policy Analysis Archives (Free FT)

Educational Administration Quarterly (FT-UAEU only)

Educational and Psychological Measurement (FT-UAEU only)

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Educational Leadership

Educational Media International (FT-UAEU only)

Educational Psychologist

Educational Research (FT-UAEU only)

Educational Researcher

Educational Review Australia (FT-UAEU only)

Educational Studies (Basingstoke) (FT-UAEU only)

Educational Technology & Society (Free FT)

Educational Theory

Electric Power Components and Systems (FT-UAEU only)

Electric Power Systems Research (UAEU only)

Electrochemistry communications

Electrochimica Acta

Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters

Electronic Journal of Instructional Science & Technology(E-JIST) (Free FT)

Electronic Journal & Communications in Probability (Free FT)

Elementary School Journal

ELT Journal

Endocrine Reviews (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)


Energy & Buildings

Energy & Fuels

Energy Conversion & Management..

Energy Economics

Energy Journal

Energy Policy

English for Specific Purposes

English Journal

Environment and Behavior (eb) (FT-UAEU only)

Environmental Entomology

Environmental Geology

Environmental Science & Technology

Essays in Criticism


European Journal of Biochemistry (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

European Journal of Communication (FT-UAEU only)

European Journal of Education (FT-UAEU only)

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

European Journal of Marketing (FT-UAEU only)

European Journal of Mineralogy

European Journal of Operational Research

European Journal of Organic Chemistry

European Journal of Phycology (FT-UAEU only)

European Journal of Soil Science

European Journal of Teacher Education (FT-UAEU only)

European Physical Journal- A: Hadrons and Nuclei

Evaluation and Program Planning

Evaluation and Research in Education (FT-UAEU only)

Evolution- International Journal of Organic Evolution

Exceptional Children

Expert Systems  (FT-UAEU only)




Family Relations

Faraday Discussions (FT-UAEU only)

FASEB Journal (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

FEBS Letters (excluding the most recent 11 monts) (Free FT)

FEMS Microbiology Reviews

Field Crops Research

Financial Accountability and Management (FT-UAEU only)

Fluid Phase Equilibria

Food Chemistry

Food Microbiology

Food Nutrition & Agriculture

Foreign Affairs

Fuel: the Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy






G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems (Free FT)

GA (Global Architecture)

General Relativity and Gravitation



Geochemical Journal

Geochemistry International=Geokhimiya (RU)

Geographical Analysis

Geographical Journal (FT-UAEU only)

Geological Journal

Geological Society of America Bulletin



German Journal of Psychiatry (Free FT)

Global and Planetary Change

Grana (FT-UAEU only)

Ground Water




Hart's E&P

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Educational Review

Harvard Law Review

Heat Transfer Engineering (FT-UAEU only)

Helvetica Chimica Acta

Herpetological Review


High Energy Physics- Experiment (Free FT)

High Energy Physics- Lattice (Free FT)

High Energy Physics- Phenomenology (Free FT)

High Energy Physics- Theory (Free FT)

Higher Education Management (FT-UAEU only)

Higher Education Quarterly (FT-UAEU only)

Higher Education Research and Development (FT-UAEU only)

History of Education (FT-UAEU only)

History of Education Quarterly

History of Political Economy


Hudson Review

Human Communication Research

Human Development

Human Ecology

Human Relations (FT-UAEU only)

Hydraulics and Pneumatics (UAEU only)

Hydrocarbon Processing (UAEU only)




IAEA Bulletin

IBM Journal of Research & Development

IBM Systems Journal

ICAO Journal

IEE Proceedings- Circuits, Devices and Systems

IEE Proceedings- Communications

IEE Proceedings- Computers and Digital Techniques

IEE Proceedings- Control, Theory and Application

IEE Proceedings- Electric Power Applications

IEE Proceedings- Generation Transmission and Distribution

IEE Proceedings- Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation

IEE Proceedings- Optoelectronics

IEE Proceedings- Radar Sonar and Navigation

IEE Proceedings- Software

IEE Proceedings- Science Measurement and Technology

IEE Proceedings- Vision Image and Signal Processing

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits

IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

IEEE Transactions on Antennas Propagation

IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Communications

IEEE Transactions on Computers

IEEE Transactions on Education

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

IEEE Transactions on Reliability

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (FT-UAEU only)

IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (FT-UAEU only)

INFOR -Information Systems and Operational Research

IRAL- International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching

ISPRS- Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Indian Journal of Agricultural Research (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Animal Sciences (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Chemistry-A: Inorganic Physical Theoretical & Analytical (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Chemistry-B: Organic Including Medicinal (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Physics & Proc of the IACS-A (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Physics & Proc of the IACS-B (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Public Administration (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (UAEU only)

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (UAEU only)

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Industrial Ceramics (UAEU only)

Industrial Management (UAEU only)

Industry and Higher Education (UAEU only)

Information and Computation

Information Processing and Management

Information Processing Letters

Information Systems

Information Technology & Libraries.

Innovations in Education and Teaching International (FT-UAEU only)

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry Communications

Inorganica Chimica Acta

Integrated Pest Management Reviews


International Affairs (FT-UAEU only)

International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer

International Geology Review

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

International Journal for Parasitology

International Journal of Accounting

International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

International Journal of Advertising (UAEU only)

International Journal of Ambient Energy (UAEU only)

International Journal of Behavioral Development (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Control (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Disability Development and Education (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

International Journal of Electronic Commerce

International Journal of Electronics (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Energy Research

International Journal of Fatigue

International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (UAEU only)

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

International Journal of Information Management

International Journal of Intelligent Systems

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

International Journal of Middle East Studies

International Journal of Multiphase flow

International Journal of Organisational Behaviour (Free FT)

International Journal of Parallel Programming

International Journal of Plant Sciences

International Journal of Production Research (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

International Journal of Refrigeration

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research

International Journal of Remote Sensing (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

International Journal of Thermophysics

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (FT-UAEU only)

International Marketing Review (FT-UAEU only)

International Materials Review

International Migration Review

International Polymer Science and Technology (FT-UAEU only)

International Review of Administrative Sciences (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Science Education (FT-UAEU only)

International Journal of Systems Science (FT-UAEU only)

International Social Science Journal

International Social Work (FT-UAEU only)

International Statistical Review

Internet Reference Services Quarterly

Invertebrate Biology

Iran- Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies (UAEU only)

Islam and the Modern Age

Issues in Ecology (Free FT)



Japanese Psychological Research (FT-UAEU only)

JCEJ- Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

JMBA - Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Accounting Education

Journal of Accounting Research

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of African Earth Sciences

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal of Agricultural Economics

Journal of Agricultural Science (London) (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Air Law and Commerce

Journal of Algebra

Journal of American Studies (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Animal Ecology

Journal of Anthropological Research

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (Free FT)

Journal of Applied Biomechanics

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

Journal of Applied Entomology

Journal of Applied Geophysics

Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics

Journal of Applied Mechanics

Journal of Applied Meteorology

Journal of Applied Microbiology

Journal of Applied Physics

Journal of Applied Probability

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Applied Statistics (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Approximation Theory

Journal of Arabic & Islamic Studies

Journal of Architectural and Planning Research (UAEU only)

Journal of Arid Environments

Journal of Asian and African Studies (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Bacteriology (excluding most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Biochemistry (Japan) (Free FT)

Journal of Biological Chemistry (excluding most recent 12 months) (Free FT)

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Journal of Business

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (JBES)

Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Catalysis

Journal of Cell Science

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Journal of Chemical Education

Journal of Chemical Information & Computer Sciences

Journal of Chemical Physics

Journal of Chromatography-A: Methods

Journal of Chromatography-B: Medical applications

Journal of Classroom Interaction (UAEU only)

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (excluding most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Journal of Clinical Psychology

Journal of Colloid & Interface Science

Journal of Communication

Journal of Composite Materials (UAEU only)

Journal of Computational Chemistry

Journal of Computational Physics

Journal of Computer and System Sciences

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Free FT)

Journal of Computer Science & Technology

Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering

Journal of Conflict Resolution (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Counseling Psychology

Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Curriculum Studies (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Dairy Research

Journal of Dairy Science

Journal of Differential Equations

Journal of Differential Geometry

Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control

Journal of Early Intervention

Journal of Ecology

Journal of Economic Education

Journal of Economic Entomology

Journal of Economic Literature

Journal of Economic Perspectives

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Education

Journal of Educational & Behavioral Statistics (JEBS)

Journal of Educational Measurement

Journal of Educational Psychology

Journal of Electronic Publishing (Free FT)

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Journal of Energy and Development (UAEU only)

Journal of Energy Engineering

Journal of Engineering Mechanics

Journal of Environmental Engineering

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology

Journal of Experimental Botany (excluding the most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Journal of Experimental Zoology

Journal of Extension (Free FT)

Journal of Finance (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis

Journal of Financial Research

Journal of Fire Sciences (UAEU only)

Journal of Fish Biology

Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Journal of Fluids Engineering

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

Journal of Food Science (UAEU only)

Journal of Forecasting

Journal of Functional Analysis

Journal of Further and Higher Education (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Geochemical Exploration

Journal of Geography (UAEU only)

Journal of Geology

Journal of Geophysical Research

Journal of Geoscience Education (UAEU only)

Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Journal of Heat Transfer

Journal of Heredity

Journal of Herpetology

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (UAEU only)

Journal of Higher Education (Columbus) (UAEU only)

Journal of Horticultural Science and  Biotechnology

Journal of Human Evolution

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Journal of Human Resources, The

Journal of Humanistic Psychology (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Journal of Hydraulic Research

Journal of Hydrology

Journal of Insect Science (Free FT)

Journal of International Affairs

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering

Journal of Islamic Studies (Free FT)

Journal of Linguistics (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Mammalogy

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Marriage & Family

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

Journal of Materials Science

Journal of Materials Science Letters

Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics

Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Journal of Mathematical Physics

Journal of Mechanical Design

Journal of Memory and Language

Journal of Molecular Biology

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

Journal of Molluscan Studies

Journal of Money Credit and Banking (UAEU only)

Journal of Morphology

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Journal of Neurophysiology (excluding most 11 recent months) (Free FT)

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Journal of Number Theory

Journal of Nutrition

Journal of Operator Theory (UAEU only)

Journal of Organic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Paleontology

Journal of Palestine Studies

Journal of Personality (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Petroleum

Journal of Petroleum Geology

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Journal of Petrology (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Phase Equilibria

Journal of Physical Chemistry-A

Journal of Physical Chemistry-B

Journal of Physics- Condensed Matter (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Physics-A: Mathematical and General (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (PS: click on contents service)

Journal of Plant Research

Journal of Polymer Science-A: Polymer Chemistry

Journal of Polymer Science-B: Polymer Physics

Journal of Portfolio Management

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology

Journal of Psychological Researches (UAEU only)

Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra

Journal of Range Management

Journal of Reproduction & Fertility

Journal of Research in Personality

Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Journal of Research of NIST- the Nat. Inst. Standards & Tech.(USA)

Journal of Risk and Insurance (UAEU only)

Journal of Russian and East European Psychology

Journal of School Psychology

Journal of Sedimentary Research

Journal of Semitic Studies

Journal of Shellfish Research

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Social Issues (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Social Policy (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Social Work Education

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (UAEU only)

Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (UAEU only)

Journal of Sports Sciences (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Statistical Physics

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Journal of Statistics Education (JSE)

Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Structural Engineering

Journal of Structural Geology

Journal of Surveying Engineering

Journal of Symbolic Logic (UAEU only)

Journal of Teacher Education (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Technology Education (Free FT)

Journal of the ACM

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association (UAEU only)

Journal of the American Ceramic Society (UAEU only)

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Journal of the American Dietetic Association

Journal of the American Mathematical Society (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)

Journal of the Franklin Institute

Journal of the Geological Society (London) (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research (Free FT)

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (JINS)

Journal of the International Phonetic Association (UAEU only)

Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (UAEU only)

Journal of the London Mathematical Society (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of the Optical Society of America- A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision

Journal of the Optical Society of America- B: Optical Physics

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society

Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry- Dalton Transactions

Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry- Perkin Transactions1

Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry- Perkin Transactions2

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society- Ser.A: Statistics in Society  (UAEU only)

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society– Ser.B: Statistical Methodology (UAEU only)

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society– Ser.C: Applied Statistics (UAEU only)

Journal of Thermal Biology

Journal of Thermal Stresses

Journal of Time Series Analysis (UAEU only)

Journal of Transportation Engineering

Journal of Travel Research (FT-UAEU only)

Journal of Tribology

Journal of Turbomachinery

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-A

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics

Journal of Virology (excluding most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Journal of Vocational Education Research (Free FT)

Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (UAEU only)

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Journal of World-Systems Research

Journal of Youth and Adolescence (UAEU only)

Journal of Zoology (FT-UAEU only)

Journalism and Communication Monographs (UAEU only)

Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (UAEU only)




Landscape Design - Reigate (UAEU only)



Language and Communication

Language and Speech (FT-UAEU only)

Language in Society (FT-UAEU only)

Language Learning (FT-UAEU only)

Language Sciences

Language Teaching (FT-UAEU only)

Language Variation and Change

Leading Egde

Learning and Leading with Technology

Learning Disabilities Research and Practice (FT-UAEU only)

Learning Disability Quarterly (UAEU only)

Leonardo- J. of the Int. Soc. for the Arts Sci. & Tech. (FT-UAEU only)

Leonardo Music Journal (FT-UAEU only)

Letters in Applied Microbiology

Linear Algebra and its Applications

Linguistic Inquiry (FT-UAEU only)

Linguistic Review

Linguistics  (FT-UAEU only)


Livestock Production Science




Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics



Magazine of Concrete Research

Mammalia (UAEU only)

Management Case Study Journal (Free FT)

Management Quarterly

Management Science

Management Communication Quarterly (FT-UAEU only)

Manufacturing Computer Solutions

Marine Geology

Marine Pollution Bullten

Mass Communication and Society (FT-UAEU only)

Materials & Design

Materials Science and Engineering-A: Structural Materials

Materials Science and Engineering-B

Materials Science and Engineering-C: Biomimetic & Supermolecular Systems

Materials Science and Engineering-R

Materials Science and Technology

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing

Mathematical Biosciences

Mathematical Physics (Free FT)

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

Mathematics Teacher

Mathematische Zeitschrift

Mechanism and Machine Theory

Media Culture and Society (FT-UAEU only)

Methods in Enzymology (QP601 M49)

Michigan Law Review


Microchemical Journal

Middle East Insight

Middle East Journal

Middle East Policy

Middle East Report

Middle East Review of International Affairs

Middle East Studies Association Bulletin

Middle Eastern Studies

MIR: Management International Review

MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies (Free FT)

MIT Sloan Management Review

MLN: Modern language Notes

MLR: The Modern Language Review

MMBR: Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews

Molecular and Cellular Biology (excluding most recent 11 months) (Free FT)

Molecular Biology of the Cell (excluding most recent 12 months) (Free FT)

Molecular Physics (FT-UAEU only)

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Mutation Research: DNA Repair

Mutation Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis

Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis

Mutation Research: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development

Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research





NDT & E International



New Comparison

New Left Review

New York University Law Review


Nineteenth Century Literature

North American Journal of Aquaculture

Notices of the American Mathematical Society

Nuclear Experiment (Free FT)

Nuclear Theory (Free FT)

Nuclear Physics-A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids

Nuovo Cimento: A, B, C, and D

Nutrition Research





Oil & Gas Journal

Optical Engineering

OPEC Review

Optical Engineering (Bellingham) (FT-UAEU only)

Ore Geology Reviews


Oxford Review of Education (FT-UAEU only)




Pacific Affairs

Pacific Journal of Mathematics

Palaeo-geography, -climatology, -ecology

PAR: Public Administration Review

Parallel Computing


Parasitology Online

PE&RS Journal

Peabody Journal of Education

Perceptual and Motor Skills (UAEU only)

Perspective in Education & Deafness ceased publication; replaced by Odyssey

Philological Quarterly (UAEU only)

Philosophical Magazine-A (FT-UAEU only)

Philosophical Magazine-B (FT-UAEU only)

Philosophical Quarterly (FT-UAEU only)


Photogrammetric Record


Physica-A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Physica-B: Condensed Matter

Physica-C: Superconductivity

Physica-D: Nonlinear Phenomena

Physica-E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)- J. of European Chemical Societies

Physical Review Online: A, B, C, D, E, Letters

Physical Review Special Topics- Accelerators & Beams (Free FT)

Physics (Free FT)

Physics Letters-A

Physics Letters-B

Physics of Fluids

Physics of Plasma

Physics of the Solid State

Physics Reports: Selected Reviews

Physics Teachers

Physics Today

Physiologia Plantarum

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Physiological Entomology


Planning (Am. Planning Assoc.)

Plant and Soil

Plant Cell

Plant Cell Reports

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

Plant Disease

Plant Growth Regulation

Plant Physiology


Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion

Plastic Engineering

PNAS: Proceedings of the Nat’l Acad. of Sci. of USA (Free; excluding recent 6 months)

Political Communication

Political Science Quarterly



Powder Metallurgy

Price Produce Indexes (Free FT)

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

Proceedings of the IEEE

Proceedings of Institute of Mechnical Engineers-A: J. Power and Energy (FT-UAEU only)

Proceedings of Institute of Mechnical Engineers-B: J. Eng. Manufacture (FT-UAEU only)

Proceedings of Institute of Mechnical Engineers-C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. (FT-UAEU only)

Proceedings of Institute of Mechnical Engineers-D: J. Automobile Eng. (FT-UAEU only)

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (FT-UAEU only)

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh-A: Mathematics (UAEU only)

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Publications

Professional Psychology

Programming & Computer Software. Trans. of: Programmirovianie (RU)

Progress in Energy & Combustion Science

PS- Political Science

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Review

Psychology in the Schools

Psycholoquy-refereed international, interdisciplinary e-journal of the APA

Public Administration (Oxford) (FT-UAEU only)

Public Administration and Development

Public Administration and Management- An interactive scholar e-journal (Free FT)

Public Administration Review (FT-UAEU only)

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

Pure and Applied Chemistry of IUPAC




Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Quarterly Journal of Speech (UAEU only)


Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics



Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ)

Reading Teacher
Remote Sensing of the Environment

Renewable Energy

Reports on Progress in Physics

Reproduction in Domestic Animals

Research in Developmental Disabilities

Research in Education (click on online access)

Review of Economic Dynamics

Review of Economics and Statistics (FT-UAEU only)

Review of Educational Research (RER)

Review of English Studies

Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology

Review of Scientific Instruments

Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries

Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry

Reviews of Modern Physics

Revue Critique de Droit International Prive (UAEU only)

Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales (UAEU only)

Revue de Droit Immobilier (Paris) (UAEU only)

Revue de Droit International de Sciences Diplomatiques et Politiques (UAEU only)

Revue de Droit International et de Droit Compare (UAEU only)

Revue de Jurisprudence Commerciale- Journal des Agrees (UAEU only)

Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Penal Compare (UAEU only)

Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique en France et a l'Etranger (UAEU only)

Revue Francaise de Droit Aerien et Spatial (UAEU only)

Revue Generale du Droit des Assurances (UAEU only)

Revue Internationale de Droit Penal (UAEU only)

Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil (UAEU only)

Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique (UAEU only)

RIBA Journal- Royal Institute of British Architects (UAEU only)

RNA-Journal of RNA Society (USA)

Roeper Review-A Journal on Gifted Education

Russian Journal of General Chemistry

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry

Russian Mathematical Surveys=Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk




SANKHYA-Ser.A: Probability & Mathematical Statistics (India)

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics- Theory and Applications (UAEU only)

School Arts

School Psychology International

School Science & Mathematics


Science and Technology Review (Free FT)

Science of Computer Programming


Scientia Horticultura

Scientific American

Scriptica Materialia

Sedimentary Geology


Seed Science & Technology


Separation Science and Technology

Shakespeare Quarterly

Shakespeare Survey

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Computing

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

SIAM Review

Sign Language Studies

SIMILE: Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education (Free FT)

Small Business Economics

Small Ruminant Research

Smith College Studies in Social Work

Social Behavior & Personality

Social Forces

Social Problems

Social Research

Social Research Update

Social Science Computer Review

Social Service Review

Social Work: Journal of the National Association of Social Workers (UAEU only)

Socio-economic Planning Sciences

Sociological Methods and Research (FT-UAEU only)

Sociological Research Online (Free FT)

Sociological Review (FT-UAEU only)

Sociology (Cambridge) (FT-UAEU only)

Sociology of Sports Journal

Soil & Tillage Research

Soil Science

Soil Science Society of America Journal (SSSJ)

Soils & Foundations

Solar Energy

Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells

Soild State Electronics

Solid State Technology

Solvent Extraction & Ion Exchange

SPE- Drilling & Completion

SPE- Facilities & Construction

Spectrochimica Acta-A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

Sport Psychologist

Statistician (UAEU only)

Statistics- A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (UAEU only)

Statistics & Computing

Statistics & Probability Letters

Strategic Finance

Strategic Management Journal

Structural Engineer (UAEU only)

Studia Islamica (UAEU only)

Studies in Educational Evaluation

Studies in English Literature

Studies in Higher Education

Studies in Literary Imagination (SLI)

Studies in Philology

Surface Engineering

Surveying & Land Information Systems

Systematic Entomology

Systems and Control Letters




T+D Magazine

TESOL Journal

TESOL Matters

TESOL Quarterly

TPR- Town Planning Review


TAXON- Journal of the Int. Assoc. for Plant Taxonomy (UAEU only)

Teachers College Record (FT-UAEU only)

Teaching Exceptional Children

Teaching Sociology

Techniques et Architecture (UAEU only)

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Technology Interface- The electronic journal for engineering technology (Free FT)




Tetrahedron- Asymmetry

Tetrahedron- Letters

Theoretical Chemistry Accounts- Theory, Computation, and Modeling (FT-UAEU only)

Theoretical Computer Science

Theory & Science

Theory & Society


Thermochimica Acta


Transactions of the ASAE

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (FT-UAEU only)

Transition Metal Chemistry

Tribology International

Tropical Animal Health and Production

Tulane Law Review




University of Chicago Law Review

Urban Education (FT-UAEU only)

Urban Studies (FT-UAEU only)




Veterinary Journal

Vibrational Spectroscopy

Visual Computer (FT-UAEU only)

Volta Review

Volta Voices




Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA)

Water Environment Federation Journals


Working Papers on New Media & Information Technologyin the Middle East (Free FT)

World Bank Economic Review

World Bank Research Observer

World Development

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

WorldOil Magazine

World Politics

Written Communication (FT-UAEU only)