Conference Papers


·        Al-Shamsi, M., Amin, A. and Adeghate, E. (2003). The effect of Vitamin E on metabolic parameters of experimental diabetes. 4th International Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Medicine. Preston, UK.


·        Amin. (2003). Hedgehog interacts with the Notch signaling pathway during head development in Drosophila. The 44th GSA Conf., Chicago, U.S.A.


·        A. Amin.  (2002). The Dual Effect of DER and Wingless Signaling Pathways During Drosophila Development. The 3rd Annual Conference for Research at UAEU.


·        A. Amin and R. Finkelstein. (2002). Interactions of Wg, Hh, EGFR and N signaling molecules during head development in Drosophila. The 43rd GSA Conf. San Diego, U.S.A.


·        A. Amin and R. Finkelstein. (2001). EGF receptor, Hedgehog and Notch Signaling Pathways Interact to Make the Fly Head. The 42nd GSA Conf., Washington D.C., U.S.A.