College of Science, UAE University Department of Biology   

Bioinformatics Workshop

An introductory hands-on bioinformatics workshop that will provide you information about what bioinformatics is and why it is important. Topics covered will include gene/protein sequence alignment and an introduction to bioinformatics databases with an emphasis on how these could be used for identification of diseases.

10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Monday, March 25, 2013
E5-1024, UAE University


Dr Ranjit Vijayan Dr Ranjit Vijayan
Assistant Professor

Department of Biology
College of Science
Dr Nazar Zaki Dr Nazar Zaki
Associate Professor

Intelligent Systems
College of Information Technology

Seats are limited - for students only
For more details:

Organized by
Biology Club
Department of Biology, College of Science
United Arab Emirates University
PO Box 15551, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Monday, March 25, 2013
UAE University

What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates the disciplines of mathematics, statistics and computer science to collect, store, analyze and display the vast amount of biological data that is being generated these days. This includes, but is not limited to, information about biomolecular sequence, structure and function.

Why is Bioinformatics important?
It is incredibly difficult to manually analyze, search and make sense of the huge amount of biological data that is currently available. Most of this data is currently freely accessible online. Bioinformatics is widely used these days for genome sequencing, disease diagnosis, evaluation of gene expression, drug discovery and systems biology.

Some applications of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics and Genomics
Genomics involves the study of the sequence, structure and function of genomes – the complete set of DNA in the cell of an organism. One of the most significant projects that involved Bioinformatics is the Human Genome Project that set about to sequence the entire genome of a human. Genomes of several organisms are freely available online. These can be analyzed individually or as part of comparative genomics studies to understand the structure and function of genes and how they interact.

Bioinformatics and Proteomics
Proteomics involves the study of the structure, function, and interactions of the proteins in a cell, tissue or organism. Bioinformatics algorithms are being developed and used to study each stage of this process. Major contributions are made by techniques like sequence alignment, structure based drug discovery and protein-protein interaction networks.

Bioinformatics and Transcriptomics
Transcriptomics involves the study of all the RNA molecules that are produced in a cell. This has significant application in the study of diseases where the transcriptome of a normal and a disease cell could be significantly different. DNA microarrays are now being used widely for disease diagnostics including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Alternations in gene expression can be detected and biological pathways that are perturbed can be identified.


10:00am - 10:30am REGISTRATION & TEA

10:30am - 10:45am WELCOME ADDRESS
Dr Khaled Amiri, Chairman, Department of Biology

10:45am - 11:00am Dr Ranjit Vijayan
Introduction to Genomes, Genes and Proteins
  • What is a genome and why is it important?
  • What are genes and proteins?
  • What happens when things go wrong in genes and proteins?

11:00am - 1:00pm Dr Nazar Zaki
Exploring Bioinformatics: A brief introduction.
  • What is bioinformatics and how is it becoming important?
A disease scenario will be given to the students and they will explore what kinds of questions and problems could be investigated by bioinformatics.

Gene and protein alignments:
  • Why do we align genes/proteins?
  • If two genes have highly similar nucleotide sequences, what does that suggest about their origin?
  • Why is it necessary to align two sequences before attempting to measure their similarity?
  • What are the two problems that make aligning sequences a complex process?
The student will learn how and why an alignment is performed. There will be a focus on how protein alignments could be a clue to protein function.

1:00pm - 2:00pm LUNCH

2:00pm - 4:00pm Dr Ranjit Vijayan
An introduction to bioinformatics databases
  • What are some of the widely used Bioinformatics databases that contain biological data?
  • Where can you get detailed information about genes and proteins including their sequence, structure and function?
  • Where can you find information about genome sequencing projects?
  • What are biological pathways and where can you find information about normal and altered pathways?
The student will get an opportunity to explore gene and protein data using freely available online resources.